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I lived in a huge static caravan – it cost £500 a month with bills but I wouldn’t recommend it, it was a nightmare

A MAN who lived in a huge static caravan for just £500 a month including bills has revealed it’s not as good as it might seem.

Rob Park, from the UK, revealed he rented out the holiday home for three years.

Rob Park revealed the negatives that come form living in a caravan[/caption]
While it is cheaper than renting a house – it’s not always easy[/caption]
Rob said buying one was like setting money on fire[/caption]

He revealed his parents bought the holiday home back in 2010 and had recently rented it out to Rob so he could live there for a fraction of the price of renting a house.

While Rob revealed it was a nightmare, he also said one of the pros was that you get a nice porch to relax on as well as a small garden to the side of the van.

Rob’s holiday van that he made his home also had a large lounge area and kitchen.

But Rob moved onto the bathroom which he said was pretty basic with a small shower, toilet and sink.

He added: “You do get an extra toilet just for good measure, but the width of that toilet is so small that you can barely even stand in it which isn’t great.”

The static caravan also comes with three bedrooms, although one is so small it can barely fit a bed inside.

The second bedroom had a double bed inside, however you’d be hard pressed to fit anything else inside while the third bedroom had enough space for a single bed.

Rob then went on to state some of the worst parts of buying a static caravan, and how they often diminish in value.

He revealed his parents initially paid £28,000 on the static caravan but now they are trying to sell it they are being offered just £2,500.

“Within the space of 10 years that is a massive decrease in value so if you’re buying one of these places you’re looking at losing thousands,” he added.

Rob also said that the land owners also have lots of control over you and the properties – from having guests over, taking down sheds and even restricting plants.

“I’m hearing silly things like you’re only allowed a certain amount of plant pots and stuff like that so, if you don’t mind someone having mad control over you then that’s fine,” he explained.

He also revealed that it was hard to heat the home up as there was just one gas radiator inside, meaning you had to buy electric radiators which can dry the air out and leave you ill.

To top it off, he said there were constant issues with the water and electricity not working properly.

Why I could never live in a tiny home

Tiny homes are getting increasingly popular in the UK, especially in the cost of living crisis when first-time buyers are struggling to get on the property ladder or current homeowners are having to pay ridiculous interest rates on mortgages.

But Rebecca Miller, Fabulous’ Associate Editor, has shared why living in a tiny home would be her idea of a nightmare. 

“I’m currently in the process of selling my flat and buying a house, and as I pack up all my belongings, I’m worried where it is all going to go – there is so much stuff! 

Fortunately, I’m very privileged to be buying a house with more square feet than my current flat. 

But it got me wondering, could I ever live in a small space? And the answer is no. 

  1. Less personal space 

Living with another person immediately cuts down on personal space, but remove several rooms, and I’d be left with only the bathroom as my sanctuary. I’m not sure I’d be able to cope!

  1. Less storage space 

I’m like a magpie, I like collecting pretty things, and I like my belongings to be organised. With limited storage space, I’d find it really hard to keep everything neat and tidy. 

  1. Can’t play host 

One of the joys of being an independent adult is being able to host – friends, family, overnight stays, and dinner parties. Where would I gather everyone for a Sunday lunch if my table only sat two? Not to mention, how would I cook a Sunday lunch?

  1. No room to grow 

Both as an individual, as part of a couple and also my hobbies, can be restricted by physical space. When I first moved into my flat, I was overjoyed at having my own balcony, and it has been a space where my love for gardening has grown. Five years on, my balcony is now overflowing with plants, and I’ve had to set up a mini propagator in the living room! 

Rob finished the video saying: “I would recommend buying one of these places if you’re happy to put some money in a suitcase, and set it on fire.”

The clip posted to his YouTube account robpark93 went viral with over 180k views.

People were quick to share their thoughts in the comments.

One person wrote: “I always wanted one of these. After your chance. Thanks.”

Another commented: “I was starting to get quite giddy like I’d found the holy grail. I’ll be running a mile from this now thanks to you. This video has helped a lot of people I’m sure!”

“Thank god I came over your video.We have been thinking of buying but now I’m sticking to just renting thanks for your video,” penned a third.

Meanwhile a fourth said: “A big thank you for the video Rob. I had considered buying a caravan as a stop gap but will definitely give it a miss now. Sounds like a complete rip off and I’d also hate the control aspect.”

“Not unless you like being taken for a complete mug. Worse thing I ever did,” claimed a fifth.

Someone else added: “thank you for this info its been a real eye opener, was thinking of buying one but I now think its a no no.”

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