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They’ll Try To Steal It. They Have To.

Last week wasn’t a great one for Joe Biden and his handlers, including the main handler I wrote about in the perpetually relevant book Racism, Revenge and Ruin: It’s All Obama.

Biden went from one public appearance disaster to another — freezing up during a Juneteenth celebration, wandering away during a G7 photo op which forced Italy’s prime minister Giorgia Meloni to rush after him and drag him back to the group, head-butting the Pope for some reason and then freezing again on the stage at a star-studded $28 million Democratic fundraiser in Hollywood, which led to the most descriptive and telling piece of video you’ll see all year:

We have Baghdad Bob propagandists like the Super Simp Joe Scarborough howling about how poorly Biden was treated after the G7 debacle, but nobody believes this stuff anymore. (READ MORE: Is Biden’s Dementia Just Russian Disinformation?)

Some 86 percent of the public told pollsters Biden is too old to serve another four years as president — which is a polite way for most respondents to say they know his cognitive decline is unmistakable and disqualifying.

That was in February when the “cognitive events” weren’t as notable as they are now.

Care to defend this, Karine Jean-Pierre? How about you, Mark Cuban?

You’ve got a drip-drip-drip of articles in outlets like POLITICO discussing the behind-the-scenes consternation among Democrat insiders that Biden isn’t up to the job anymore, although few of those insiders will go on the record. There’s a sizable mass of discussion about the possibility Biden will be changed out as the nominee, though none of it seems to go anywhere. (READ MORE: Could Hunter’s Troubles Cause Biden to Rethink His Campaign?)

What it looks like is chaos. Nobody really knows who’s in charge. Not of the country or of the Democrat Party.

The answer is what it’s been for years, of course. Obama is in charge. Joe Biden never has been.

And once you remember that, you understand a couple of things.

First, for the people behind Joe Biden perpetrating what a burgeoning majority of Americans think is an exercise in elder abuse rather than a political campaign, the pursuit of power is far more important than the preservation of our constitutional republic.

They don’t even bother trying to hide that. They tell it to you all the time. There is even a code word for them to do it. Every time you hear one of these Obama acolytes pontificating about the threat Donald Trump and his MAGA supporters pose to “Our Democracy,” it’s an admission that what they’re fighting for is this current Bizarro World reality the vast majority of the public views with disdain but affords the left-elite power and privilege.

And second, there are no limits to what might be done in pursuit of that political power.

You saw that pretty clearly in 2020, the most irregular presidential election since 1876. Forget about the allegations of a stolen election, which we can do without conceding any of the points included therein. The idea that 50 of the most prominent intelligence officials in America would sign on to a letter accusing the New York Post of spreading Russian disinformation because of its accurate reporting on Hunter Biden’s laptop is one nobody would have believed before October 2020.

Nobody would have believed Mark Zuckerberg would blow $400 million on corrupting local election offices in Democrat areas into get-out-the-vote centers for the Biden campaign, either.

And nobody would have believed the FBI would conduct election interference by pressuring Big Tech to censor right-leaning pundits, media outlets, and ordinary Americans from discussing true information helpful to Trump or hurtful to Biden.

All of those things happened. They weren’t accidents. Biden’s handlers bragged about them to TIME Magazine after it was over.

And it worked. They managed to install a husk of a man as president based on tactics the country hadn’t seen before.

But that’s been a mixed blessing, as you know.

As a result of those tactics, the America of 2024 is actually in worse shape than the America of 2020 even without the specter of a deadly virus pandemic hanging over our heads this year. We are leaderless, rudderless, at a nadir of national morale, and awash in a flood of policies destined to bring us to ruin.

So can Team Biden pull off a repeat this year?

The answer has to be conditional.

Because in a conventional election, there is no way Joe Biden can win.

That isn’t just a function of the polls showing Trump with a slight lead in a head-to-head with Biden (0.8 percent, as of Monday’s RealClear Politics average) or a bit healthier one in a race including third-party candidates (2.9 percent, per RCP), or in the main battleground states (3.3 percent per RCP, with leads ranging from 0.1 percent in Wisconsin to 5.3 percent in North Carolina in Nevada).

It’s more than that. It’s the fact that Joe Biden is losing key elements of his base at a time when mobilizing one’s base is the top, middle, and bottom of electoral politics.

The Biden-affiliated chattering class talking heads — not to mention failed New Orleans mayor Mitch Landrieu, his campaign chairman — are scoffing with joyless abandon at the idea Donald Trump might get 20 percent of the vote, and probably not without justification. It would be a colossal upset for Trump to score that highly with black voters.

But they’re intentionally missing something. Which is that Trump doesn’t have to get anywhere near 20 percent of the black vote for Team Biden to lose in a monumental landslide.

Fifteen percent would do it.

Understand something: Team Biden isn’t interested in persuading regular Americans their border policy is sane or beneficial. Or their economic policy. Or their foreign policy. Or environmental policy, housing, education, energy, or trade policies. They stopped trying to capture the middle on just about anything right around 2009.

For the past 15 years, Democrats have been about one thing and one thing only — returning more of their ballots to the vote-counters than the Republicans.

That has worked well for them, at least as a ratio of votes tabulated to measurable success in governance.

But those numbers in the black communities of those swing states? Those are a real problem.

If Joe Biden can’t count on even so much as 60 percent of the black vote, even if he ultimately manages to get half or a little more of the gettable black vote out there, his entire political business model and that of the Obama machine he’s fronting will fall apart.

Democrat politics begins with the black community. It’s historically the most monolithic voting bloc in American elections and it’s the center of the Democrats’ get-out-the-vote efforts.

If you’re still trying to persuade that community to vote for you when the polls open for early voting, what it means is not only will you bleed votes to Trump and another underrated threat, namely Cornell West, but the effort it will require to turn out the kinds of numbers needed to offset the suburbs, exurbs and small towns full of people you never bothered trying to compete for will be ruinous. (READ MORE: What Robert Kennedy Jr. Held Back From His Counterpunch of the Censorship State)

In a conventional election, the softness of Biden’s base after four years would make him unelectable.

And those rapidly multiplying disqualifying cognitive events are utterly poisonous as well. Especially since it’s only a matter of time before things get worse than embarrassing bowel movements in public, brain freezes, or the loud mumblings of gibberish in front of a pool of cameras. Who knows what’s next? That campaign has a Sword of Damocles not just dangling, but wildly swinging just above its head.

Conventional political analysis indicates this is a candidate you have to hide from the public while you message against Trump. But Team Biden doesn’t think they can do that, so they keep sending him out into the world hoping to dispel the concerns about his cognition, and it just gets worse and worse.

You have a president the public believes is a failure — Nate Silver’s 538 measures Biden’s approval rating at just 37.4 percent at present — who’s in the process of losing a sizable chunk of his core supporters, while he consistently demonstrates an inability to charm or persuade the public back into his corner.

In a five-way race, the RealClear Politics average has Biden at under 40 percent. As an incumbent!

Trump’s poll numbers could be stronger. But Trump consistently underpolls. He under-polled in 2016, and he under-polled in 2020. The Federalist’s Shawn Fleetwood noted last week, and Fleetwood wasn’t wrong in his analysis, that those polls are an increasingly poor barometer of electoral performance because the Democrats’ get-out-the-vote machine — legal or otherwise — renders them so.

And this isn’t lost on the new management of the GOP. Trump’s daughter Lara, the new co-chair of the RNC, has made it clear that election integrity and get-out-the-vote are Jobs 1 and 2 for the party, which is something long overdue.

Trump and his party have to make 2024 a conventional election. This has to look like past electoral cycles. If it does, Biden’s personal weakness and that of his relationship with his base could make for a disaster for Democrats.

But making this a conventional election will be a very, very difficult task.

Team Biden, which is really Team Obama, is a cabal of people who worship political power like nobody else in American history. They have a record going back at least a couple of decades — all the way to the 1996 Illinois state senate election in which Barack Obama first won elected office, in fact — of irregular campaign activities. And they don’t respect any limits when it comes to action in pursuit of power.

They will cheat. It’s who they are. And winning honestly is increasingly beyond their grasp — as it seems to have been since 2012.

How? Fleetwood offers a few possibilities:

On the nongovernmental side, left-wing nonprofits funded by leftist billionaires evade federal law by targeting and registering Democrat-friendly demographics, such as racial minorities, college-educated women, and young people. After these likely-Democrat voters are on the voter rolls, left-wing activists and groups chase and harvest these low-effort votes in the weeks leading up to Election Day….

At the same time, Biden is actively weaponizing the federal government’s taxpayer-funded resources to conduct voter registration drives benefiting Democrats. More commonly known as “Bidenbucks,” the executive order signed by Biden in March 2021 instructed hundreds of federal agencies to increase their voter registration and GOTV activities — which Congress never authorized.

In fulfilling this mandate, agencies are tasked with coordinating with so-called “nonpartisan third-party organizations” approved by the White House to supply “voter registration services on agency premises.” Conservative media and good government groups have since discovered these organizations are extremely left-wing, such as the ACLU and Demos.

(A lawsuit challenging the legality of this order is pending before the U.S. Supreme Court.)

Here’s just a little more of what’s in store:

This can’t be allowed to happen.

Regular Americans can’t let it succeed.

We’ve got to force a conventional election by overwhelming those efforts at cheating with honest, conventional ballots.

This has to be a wave election.

Anything else, and we may not be able to save the republic from the power-mad cheaters leading that demented old man around by the arm.

The post They’ll Try To Steal It. They Have To. appeared first on The American Spectator | USA News and Politics.

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