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Chuck Norris defies time, returns to movies in 'Agent Recon'

Chuck Norris and son, Dakota, on site making new movie, "Agent Recon"
Chuck Norris and son, Dakota, on site making new movie, "Agent Recon"

Chuck Norris and son, Dakota, on site making new movie, "Agent Recon"

One of those famed "Chuck Norris facts" about the television and movie star and longtime WND columnist explains he doesn't wear a watch.

Why not? Because he decides what time it is, of course.

There may be more truth in that than many would admit, as now he appears to let his years of work, which started back in 1968 with "The Wrecking Crew" followed shortly after by his role as Colt in "Way of the Dragon," impact him not at all, as at age 84 he's appearing in a new sci-fi action movie, Agent Recon.

By the way, at the start of that year, Lyndon Johnson was president; Richard Nixon was elected in the fall.

He plays Alastair, the captain of a covert Earth security force, whose team tracks down a mysterious disturbance in New Mexico.

The trailer:

It's his first movie product since "Expendables 2" in 2012, when he provided a cameo role and saved a team of toughs on a special mission after they were pinned down and destined for annihilation by the enemy.

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Facing the end, the team members heard bang, bang, bang and a few explosions and looked down to the road so see Chuck Norris casually strolling toward them.

His famous line there: "I work alone."

Legendary only understates his work entertaining the nation, with his "Walker, Texas Ranger," television series and moves including his hit, "Good Guys Wear Black," "A Force of One," "Silent Rage," "Lone Wolf McQuiade, " "Missing in Action," "The Delta Force," "Firewalker," "Delta Force 2," and more

Online, he's described as a "noted writer," authoring books on martial arts, philosophy, Christianity, politics and exercise, twice being named a New York Times bestselling author.

He was born Carlos Ray "Chuck" Norris" and after serving in the United States Air Force he turned his interest in martial arts into a long-time world championship. He worked with Bruce Lee in "The Way of the Dragon."

His wife, Gena, said in a statement about the new project, "He loved his role in this great film and particularly enjoyed his couple days on the set working alongside his son Dakota, (who choreographed CN's fight scene) and Executive Director and lead actor Derek Ting and his wife Joyce Ting."

The movie is described as family friendly.

In an commentary about the project, Norris wrote, "As Ting mentioned, one of the personal thrills for my wife, Gena, and me was to have our son, Dakota, serve as the choreographer for my fight scenes on 'Agent Recon.' Dakota is a third-degree black belt and a martial arts expert in his own right.

He shared, "Here's an action-packed 1-minute video of Dakota and his equally amazing black belt sister and our daughter, Danilee, sparring in our gym on our Lone Wolf Ranch in Texas. Here is Dakota also doing a little more training in Hawaii. Not bad, eh?

The Quiver Distribution project is to appear starting June 21.

WND reported when, in 2022, Norris volunteered to work with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban for "that better future."

Norris' comment came then in response to Orban's message to the Conservative Political Action Conference in Texas that America needs now "more Chuck Norris."

Orban, a firebrand who frequently has triggered liberals and progressives over and over with his comments, got a hero's welcome at the CPAC events and pleaded with his audience not to pull punches in a culture war – going on globally – with liberals.

In America, under Joe Biden, that fight has erupted over and over with the president's blatant promotion of abortion, the LGBT ideology, progressive government priorities like massive spending and more.

Orban explained that Hungarian state institutions define marriage as the union of one man and one woman, and he said Americans in the fight need to trust their Judeo-Christian tradition.

"We have to be brave enough to address even the most sensitive questions, migration, gender and the clash of civilizations," he said.

"Politics, my friends, is not enough," he said. "This war is a culture war."

He said what is needed now is "more Chuck Norris."

Norris, to WND, at the time issued a statement that, "In 2018, my wife Gena and I were invited by Hungarian Baptist Aid to visit Budapest. We love the Hungarian people and were honored to spend time with Prime Minister Viktor Orban.

"We heard he fired up conservative Texans at CPAC in Dallas this week by saying America needs 'more Chuck Norris.' I'm humbled and honored to fight with Orban and all conservatives to rebuild America (presently and in 2024 with a new president) from the depression (in economy and spirit) too many Americans are experiencing right now. Let's pray and fight for that better future! We've done it before, and we can do it again!"

Norris, and his life values, regularly appear online. Elon Musk posted an image of Chuck Norris playing chess, with the caption, "Chuckmate," as his fight over Twitter exploded.

Norris at times as appeared on screen with endorsements, one time complaining to an auto maker's representative that he had been "replaced" with a truck. A few years back, WND reported his affiliation with Glock.

After all, those internet sayings already had linked him with weaponry, with:

"When Chuck Norris donates blood, he avoids the syringe, just asking for a gun and a bucket."

And then there's "faster than a speeding bullet" is a Chuck Norris warmup.

Norris, says another, "doesn't dodge bullets, they dodge him."

And Norris "only invented guns because he wanted to make it a fair fight. For others."

To Norris, meanwhile, have been attributed many "facts."

For example, demonstrators in Montreal complained that police intimidated them by plastering on a police vehicle a poster of Norris toting two guns from the movie "Invasion U.S.A."


A political-science professor, Francis Dupuis-Déri, filed the protest with authorities against nine police officers who were patrolling streets in Quebec City when the G7 summit was held.

"The complaint includes a video of a protest held June 8 in which a photo of Chuck Norris carrying a rifle in each hand can be seen attached to the door of a police van used to transport an arrested demonstrator," the report said.

The Norrises' Kick Start program for school students has taught tens of thousands lessons in self-defense and life.

Norris also has let loose his humorous side more than once.

He released a video that was a parody of an ad by action movie hero Jean-Claude Van Damme, who performed a split between two moving trucks.

Norris' response was doing the splits between two flying jets

See the Van Damme ad, followed by Chuck Norris' parody:

Norris has said some of his favorite internet "facts" include:

  • "When the Boogeyman goes to sleep every night, he checks his closet for Chuck Norris."
  • "Chuck Norris doesn't read books. He stares them down until he gets the information he wants."
  • "Outer space exists because it's afraid to be on the same planet with Chuck Norris."

Once, when asked what he thought about the phenomenon, Norris said: "My answer is always the same: Some are funny. Some are pretty far out. And, thankfully, most are just promoting harmless fun."

Norris also downplays the notion that he's some sort of superhero.

"I've got a bulletin for you, folks. I am no superman. I realize that now, but I didn't always. As six-time world karate champion and then a movie star, I put too much trust in who I was, what I could do and what I acquired. I forgot how much I needed others and especially God. Whether we are famous or not, we all need God. We also need other people."

Norris has been writing a weekly column exclusively for WND since October 2006.

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