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Fairfax poll suggests road repair bond measure would fail

Fairfax poll suggests road repair bond measure would fail

A survey of Fairfax residents suggests that a multimillion-dollar bond measure for road repairs would be unlikely to pass.

The Town Council received a presentation from its consulting firm, FM3, at a workshop on May 8. The firm concluded a bond measure “did not appear viable,” though additional public education could increase support.

The survey, which cost $32,690, involved 649 respondents. It was conducted in the latter half of April.

A bond measure requires a two-thirds vote to pass. In the survey, 61% of respondents said they would support a 30-year, $36 million bond, while 64% would support a $18 million bond.

“That’s disappointing, but that’s where we are right now,” said Mayor Barbara Coler. “I think it was money well spent to poll this. I think we saw where it came out.”

Town Manager Heather Abrams said the council plans to discuss the issue again at its meeting on June 5.

Town officials have sought a solution to degrading roads for some time. The potential cost has ranged from $13 million to $60 million, depending on the repairs performed. Whatever the cost, it outstrips the town’s resources, a staff report said.

Fairfax is ranked the lowest in the county on the pavement condition index, which rates the severity and extent of road damage. The town’s PCI is 55, considered “fair or at risk.”

Councilmember Chance Cutrano noted one aspect of the poll that concerned him: Only 17% saw a “great need” for new funds for town services.

“This demonstrates a need to provide further information to town residents,” Cutrano said. “Without adequate funding, the community will continue to fall farther and farther behind on road maintenance — negatively impacting the town’s ability to keep up with street repaving, hampering our ability to compete for state and federal grant funding, and affecting roadway safety for children commuting to school and emergency evacuation.”

Cutrano had previously said that the town’s road repair budgets have ballooned in recent years. In the 2020-21 fiscal year, the road repair budget was $140,000. This year, it is $1 million.

“We were informed from pavement experts that spending three times or more annually than our current allocation on road improvements will not achieve the desired conditions of our roads,” said Councilmember Stephanie Hellman.

In 1999, the Fairfax council placed Measure K on the ballot to help fund road and infrastructure repairs of up to $6.83 million. The funds have been expended.

On Jan. 10, the council directed staff to pursue a survey on the possibility of a voter-approved bond for road repairs. On March 6, the council established a survey subcommittee.

If the town pursues a ballot measure, it would need to be approved by the council in June or July to place it on the November ballot.

The Fairfax survey also detailed concerns about the direction of the town, which might have impacted the bond survey results. The survey said 46% of respondents believed the town is headed in the “right direction,” while 39% said the town is on the “wrong track” and 15% responded that they “don’t know.”

While town staff generated a 61% favorability rating, only 47% had a favorable view of the council. Two members of the council are facing recall campaigns.


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