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The First Biden-Trump Debate (Cartoon, Column and Video)

The presidential campaigns of President Joe Biden and Groper/Felon Trump agreed on two debates yesterday and here are the fun details:

The debates will be earlier than usual with the first being in Atlanta on June 27 and hosted by CNN. The second debate will be on ABC News on Sept. 10.

There will not be an audience for the CNN debate which will be the first time there hasn’t been one since Kennedy and a sweaty Nixon’s debated.

The agreement between the two campaigns cut out the Commission on Presidential Debates, which has overseen the events since 1988. This may ultimately kill the commission.

The agreement also cuts out Robert F. Kennedy Jr who responded by posting on social media that his competitors were “colluding” to keep him out, adding, “They are afraid I would win.” No, nobody’s afraid of RFK Jr winning. Both campaigns are afraid he’ll be a spoiler for the other side. RFK Jr’s brainworm has a better chance of winning than he does.

President Biden has much more money than Donald Trump and a larger and much better campaign organization, yet he’s tied nationally with Von Shitzenpants and trailing in at least five swing states. Sir Fartzalots shouldn’t even be competitive with the president while facing a criminal trial, having three other indictments, and after trying to steal an election, stealing classified documents, staging an insurrection attempt, and being the WORST president (sic) in United States history. Does nobody remember Trump’s handling of Covid?

By having the debates so early, Biden is hoping to engage voters and make them focus on the election and the very real danger of a second Donald Trump presidency (sic). If Americans start paying attention, they should realize Trump is a disaster and maybe they’ll remember the chaos of his presidency (sic).

Another benefit for both campaigns is that any stumbles or disasters in the first debate, which will be all anyone remembers, may be forgotten by November.

Trump has already lowered the bar for Biden’s performance, posting on Truth Social that the president is “the WORST debater I have ever faced,” and accused Biden of being unable to “put two sentences together.” That’s a mistake. Remember the last State of the Union or the one before that?

Republicans are now trying to explain that away by stating Biden had a script, but the president has proven to be pretty good off the cuff. When asked a couple days ago about debating Trump, Biden said, “I hear he’s free on Wednesdays,” which was a nod to the only day of the work week Trump is guaranteed not to be in court. The Biden Campaign is now selling T-shirts that say, “Free On Wednesdays.”

Our national memory has faded. While people are now talking about lowering the debate bar for President Biden, we forget that we already lowered the bar for Trump, who once talked about the size of his penis at a debate. Trump can fall asleep during the debate and fart loudly and someone in the media will proclaim him the winner.

In reality, the bar is much lower for Trump, who praised and gave a shout-out to white nationalist terrorists in a 2020 debate with Biden. Trump also carried COVID-19 into one of the previous debates without telling the Biden Campaign. The New Normal is that most Americans don’t seem to care that Donald Trump is a lying evil sack of shit, but if Biden has the tiniest trip, it’ll all they’ll talk about.

Sean Hannity predicted that Trump would “wipe the floor” with Biden, but Trump can’t even stay awake during his NYC criminal trial. Hell, he probably fell asleep on top of Stormy. A safer prediction is that Trump will wipe the asses of racists and Russians during the debate, in the same way Hannity wipes Trump’s ass.

Voters do need to have their memories jogged. A recent Times/Siena/Inquirer poll found that 17 percent of voters in swing states believe Biden is at fault for the Supreme Court ending women’s constitutional right to an abortion, and not Trump who put three justices on the court who voted to overturn Roe. Where did those respondents get that idea? No wonder so many people don’t remember that Trump is a treasonous Putin bitch.

I’m glad the debates will be earlier than usual. Joe Biden needs to take out the trash now, not in October.

Signed prints: The signed prints are just $40.00 each. Every cartoon on this site is available. You can pay through PayPal. If you don’t like PayPal, you can snail mail it to Clay Jones, P.O. Box 3721, Fredericksburg, VA 22402. I can mail the prints directly to you or if you’re purchasing as a gift, directly to the person you’re gifting.

Watch me draw:

Visit Clay Jones’ website and email him at Clay@claytoonz.com.

The post The First Biden-Trump Debate (Cartoon, Column and Video) appeared first on The Moderate Voice.


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