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Kate Middleton’s Condition Is ‘Worse Than Anyone Knows,’ Insider Claims


Kate Middleton is focused on recovering from her abdominal surgery which turned out to be due to cancer, and the world continues to be curious about the Princess of Wales’ whereabouts. The Palace is protective of Kate’s privacy, but an insider claims that her condition is more alarming than fans realize.

"The truth is she’s very sick. It’s worse...













































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The source revealed Prince William "is really worried," adding, "he’s willing to drop everything to be by her side."

Kate won’t return to the spotlight until after Easter , but that didn’t stop Twitter users from creating theories online about her well-being .OK! previously reported royal commentator Jack Royston urged William to give British citizens an update on his wife.

"The public have a completely different perspective on the concept of medical privacy compared to the palace one," Royston said on the "Royal Report" podcast. "So, for the palace, respecting Kate’s privacy means leaving her to her own devices and giving her as long as the doctors suggest she needs and that’s the end of it.""To the public, letting Kate have the time off was respecting her privacy," the correspondent shared. "I think they do genuinely have some sympathy for the palace not wanting to go into too much detail about the specifics of her diagnosis. But most ordinary people just see no reason why the royals wouldn’t want to release a picture of her."

On Thursday, February 29, William went to the Western Marble Arch Synagogue to fight against the increase of anti-Jewish hate in the U.K., and the future king shared Kate’s thoughts on the issue.

"He mentioned her during a visit to Western Marble Arch Synagogue in London," Royston said. "So, this was a job highlighting the rise in antisemitism since the October 7 attack by Hamas in Israel and the Israeli war against Hamas in Gaza that followed, so Williams said ‘both Catherine and I are extremely concerned about the rise of antisemitism .'"

"Now, to the public, there’s just absolutely no logical reason why William can say how Kate feels about antisemitism, but can’t say how she’s been finding the past six weeks since surgery," he continued.

As William continues to juggle his duties and caring for the princess, Kate’s uncle Gary Goldsmith talked about his niece on Celebrity Big Brother.

"She’s getting the best care in the world and all the family has done is put the wagons around and looked after family first before anything else," Goldsmith shared. "They put a statement out that just said: ‘We will take some time to recoup and we’ll see you in Easter.'"

"I’ve heard mixed things about Kate and I don’t want to make a comment , but whatever it is, we want her to come back," Ekin-Su Cülcüloğlu told Goldsmith. "She’s amazing. She will be back. Of course, she will."

Prince Charles used to be close to his younger son Prince Harry. However, the tide turned, and the Prince of Wales is currently in his best relationship with his older son, Prince William.

Prince Charles And Prince William Used To Have A Tense Relationship

Tina Brown weighed in on Prince Charles' relationship with his sons with late wife, Princess Diana — Prince William, and Prince Harry. Brown spoke to Page Six when she promoted her new book The Palace Papers.

According to Brown, the Prince of Wales was competing with his eldest son. Both are the future king of England. However, the Duke of Cambridge is more popular.

Prince Charles has prepared all his life to be the next king after his mother, Queen Elizabeth II. However, his reputation suffered due to his alleged affair with Duchess Camilla Parker Bowles while still married to Princess Diana. So, some British wants to skip him and make Prince William the next king.

"There has been tension between William and Charles because the fact is Charles feels competitive with William," Brown told Page Six about the father and son.

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Prince Harry's Departure Brought Prince Charles Closer To His Older Brother Prince William

Between his two sons, Brown said, Prince Charles was closer to his younger child. However, when Prince Harry decided to leave the U.K. and move to the U.S. with his wife, Meghan Markle, his absence brought his father and brother closer.

"Harry going has made them inevitably closer, which is ironic because Charles was much closer to Harry. They had a very warm relationship," Brown explained. "It’s very upsetting to Charles apparently. He’s been distraught about the fraying of the relationship. He’s been very, very sad. He’s been very hurt by Harry."

Prince Harry had said several hurtful things about his father in his previous interviews. He told Oprah Winfrey that his father stopped picking up his calls and cut them off financially after he left his home country. He also thanked his mom, Princess Diana, for the trust and money he inherited from her because it supported them when they moved to California.

ALSO READ: Meghan Markle, Prince Harry Shock: Sussexes Made 'Bad Choices' And Royal Exit Was 'Disaster All Round', Royal Biographer Tina Brown Claims

The Duke of Sussex also seemingly questioned Prince Charles' parenting. He said he wanted to be a different parent to his son, Archie.

Those interviews reportedly hurt the heir apparent. It caused a gap between Prince Charles and Prince Harry but tightened the Prince of Wales and Duke of Cambridge's bond.

"He’s [Prince William] much closer to Charles now because essentially they’re together now trying to figure out what happens after the queen dies," Brown said about the two future kings.

Stay tuned for more news and updates about the royal family.Many followers of the royal family have been wondering if Prince Harry, Meghan Markle, and their two kids – Archie and Lili, will ever return to the United Kingdom. Things have become sourer between the Sussex pair and the other members of the royal family since the infamous "Megxit" in March 2020.

However, recent reports are suggesting that Prince Harry is considering returning to the U.K, especially after Queen Elizabeth’s secret trip to the hospital several days ago. Keep on reading to know more details.ALSO READ: Meghan Markle Lambasted: Prince Harry's Wife Criticized For 'Constantly' Using Duchess Of Sussex Title, Called 'Not Special' After Allegedly Interfering American Politics

Is Prince Harry Returning To The U.K. Amid Queen Elizabeth’s Health Issues?

Professor Vernon Bognador, as per Express UK, claimed that Prince Harry may be forced to return to Britain as Queen Elizabeth allegedly passes out more duties to the other members of the royal family. The British constitution expert said that senior members of the blue-blooded brood could step in to take on more responsibilities.

Vernon told The Guardian:

"Obviously, as the Queen gets older, more duties will be devolved upon other members of the Royal Family. The other royals can do anything except the constitutional functions, such as audiences with the Prime Minister and signing acts of Parliament."

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However, it was clarified that Prince Harry or any of the Counselors of State are still banned from appointing a new Prime Minister or dissolving the Parliament since only Queen Elizabeth can do that. However, the husband of Meghan Markle may be asked to attend council meetings, sign routine documents, and approve credentials of new ambassadors to the United Kingdom.

To recall, Prince Harry decided to ditch the royal life and moved to the United States with Meghan Markle. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex decided to step back from royal life to stay away from the public eye and have a private life.ALSO READ: Michelle Obama Fury: Ex-FLOTUS 'Bullied' Barack Obama Into Getting Bruce Springsteen Therapy? Becoming Author Allegedly Wants Husband To Admit His Failings

Prince Harry has yet to comment on Professor Bognador’s statements. While many supporters of the dad of two want to see him back in Britain, other reports claimed that it is unlikely for the Sussex family to spend Christmas with Queen Elizabeth and the other members of the royal family, especially with the current restrictions and numerous issues hounding the palace.

Prince Harry Demanded To Cancel His Netflix Deal

Meanwhile, royal biographer Angela Levin said Prince Harry should "tear up" his Netflix deal and "make a stand for his mother" over the controversial portrayal of the late Princess of Wales. She told The Sun:

"Harry has remained absolutely silent about Netflix. He should tear the deal up and make a stand for his mother. What's more important? Money or defending his mum? It's astonishing he can't find his voice on this."

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Royal expert Penny Juror said that The Crown stuck up "two fingers" at the royal family when it tapped the stepdaughter of IRA supporter Roy Greenslade to portray Countess Mountbatten in the series. She furthered that another actress should have been considered to play the said role due to its sensitive nature, even if Natascha McElhone was not responsible for the "sins of her stepfather."The controversial Netflix series was plagued with several criticisms over their portrayal of Princess Diana, portrayed by Elizabeth Debicki, on her final years. Majesty Magazine editor Ingrid Seward told The Sun:

"I don't think Harry gets it. I presume when he did the deal with Netflix, he didn't think it through — but Meghan would have, she's not an idiot. 'He talked about The Crown during his bus interview with James Corden, so he's not totally oblivious."

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Most, if not all, fans can recall that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle signed a deal with the American online streaming service giant last year for their new production company. The Sussex pair is expected to produce children’s programs, scripted shows, feature films, and documentaries.Meghan Markle and Prince Harry chose to live the lives they desire. However, according to royal biographer Tina Brown, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex made poor choices and could have maintained a better relationship with the royals after their exit.

Meghan Markle And Prince Harry Allegedly Made The Wrong Move

Journalist Tina Brown spoke with New York Times podcast Sway to promote her new book The Palace Papers: Inside The House Of Windsor - The Truth And The Turmoil. According to her, the royal couple who are now based in California made a "bad choice," Daily Mail reported.

Brown, who was also Princess Diana's biographer, believed that the Sussexes could have left the royal family on far better terms. However, Prince Harry was "so fragile, so combustible, he was so unhappy, frankly, in the constraints of the royal family."

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For her, the Sussexes' exit was a "disaster all around" because Prince Harry and Markle allegedly both loved drama. They made various claims that hurt the royal family.

Prince Harry and Markle visited the Queen before they headed to the Invictus Games. In his interview with NBC's Hoda Kotb, he spoke about his special bond with the monarch and said that he wanted to protect his 96-year-old grandmother which raised some eyebrows.

Experts found his remarks insulting because Queen Elizabeth II is with Prince Charles and Prince William. So, they were wondering from whom the British monarch needed protection.

READ MORE: Prince Harry, Meghan Markle Shock: Duke And Duchess Of Sussexes Allegedly Breached Their Pledge To Queen Elizabeth, Royal Correspondent Claims

Meghan Markle Will Not Return To England Unlikely To Return To Royal Duties

There are rumors that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle might return to their royal duties when Prince Charles takes over the throne. However, Brown felt that while it's a possibility for the Duke of Sussex, it's unlikely the duchess will do the same. Brown felt that Markle has no intention to stay in the U.K.

"I think that Harry is going to want to come back when the Queen dies to serve his country. And I think they will find a way to reel him in," Brown said. "And it’s possible that Meghan - maybe they will have a commuter arrangement. I don’t know. I don’t see Meghan ever wanting to go back. She disliked England."

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