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Chicago waives penalties, late fees for vehicle stickers during April

The City of Chicago will waive vehicle sticker penalties for the entire month of April.

From April 1-30 for "Amnesty Month," drivers in Chicago will be able to purchase a city sticker without late fees, penalties or back charges, the City Clerk's office said. All residents with a Chicago address who drive, park, lease and/or own a vehicle must purchase a city sticker. If a city sticker isn't purchased within 30 days of moving into the city or acquiring a new car, residents face late fees and fines.

City stickers cost $53.04 for motorcycles, between $100.17 and $159.12 for passenger vehicles, and between $235.71 and $530.40 for trucks.

Drivers can go to any of the three Office of the City Clerk locations to get a city sticker without penalties:

1. City Hall: 121 N. LaSalle St.
2. North Side Office: 5430 W. Gale St.
3. South Side Office: 5674 S. Archer Ave.

Drivers can also go to any of the Department of Finance locations:

1. Southwest Payment Center: 4770 S. Kedzie Ave.
2. Northwest Payment Center: 4445 N. Pulaski Ave.
3. Southeast Payment Center: 2006 E. 95th St.
4. Central Payment Center: 400 W. Superior St.


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