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Another win for Metro campaign after Morrisons makes major change over baby formula

The big announcement was made by Morrisons today (Picture: Getty)

Morrisons’ customers can now redeem their loyalty vouchers to buy baby formula products – achieving a major focal point of Metro’s Formula For Change campaign in partnership with charity Feed.

The move means Morrisons shoppers can use their More Card Fivers on first baby formula milk.

This major step forward comes after the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) said last month that parents should be allowed to use vouchers and loyalty points to buy infant formula.

Sign the Formula For Change petition here

Metro and Feed have been urging the government to urgently review their infant formula legislation and give retailers the green light to accept loyalty points, all food bank vouchers and store gift cards as payment for infant formula.

More Card Fivers can now go towards baby formula (Picture: Ian West/PA Wire)

With costs soaring by 25% in the past two years, desperate parents have been reduced to watering down formula and even stealing tubs off shop shelves, to ensure their babies get fed.

Morrisons’ decision marks another positive development for Metro’s award-winning Formula for Change campaign with infant feeding charity, Feed.

More Card Fivers are £5 vouchers awarded on collection of 5,000 More Points earned on products purchased.

However wider CMA regulation from 2007 still stops shoppers from earning More Card Points when buying baby formula.

The supermarket chain is nonetheless hoping this move will help reduce childcare expenses for parents and ease the financial burden during their child’s early years.

Kate Lavery, Director of Loyalty at Morrisons, said: ‘First baby formula is an essential item in the weekly shop for many parents, and we are helping them to save on their purchase by allowing More Card Fivers to be redeemed on the product.

The CMA said last month that parents should be allowed to use vouchers and loyalty points to buy infant formula (Picture: Getty Images)

‘This is part of our ongoing commitment to delivering market-leading value through the More Card, whether it’s savings on everyday essentials, exclusive promotions, or rewarding loyal customers with offers to make their budgets stretch further.’


Join and Feed in calling on the government to urgently review their infant formula legislation and give retailers the green light to accept loyalty points, all food bank vouchers and store gift cards as payment for infant formula.

Our aim is to take our petition to No.10 to show the Prime Minister this is an issue that can no longer be ignored.

The more signatures we get, the louder our voice, so please click here to sign our Formula for Change petition.

Things need to change NOW.

The latest CMA infant formula study found that parents could save £300 if they switch to cheaper baby formula.

CMA’s study also recommended standardised packaging in hospitals; providing clear information to parents in healthcare and retail settings on the nutritional sufficiency of all infant formula; making it easier to compare prices of different brands; and extending the ban on advertising to include follow-on formula.

Formula for Change was instrumental in bringing this issue to light.

Metro‘s Deputy Editor Claie Wilson celebrated the news: ‘We’re so pleased when any supermarket helps their customers when it comes to the formula crisis as that’s what Formula For Change is all about.

Feed says buying formula has a significant impact on the household finances of parents (Picture: Getty Images)

‘It’s great that Morrisons have listened to the CMA and are taking action, as families across the UK are still struggling to afford and get formula when they most need it.

‘Let’s hope more retailers follow in their footsteps very soon, as it really isn’t that difficult.’

Baby bank Little Village, which the families of newborns and young people living in poverty across London, welcomed Morrisons decision but said more work needs to be done from other retailers.

Sophie Livingstone MBE, chief executive of Little Village, told Metro: ‘This is an important step in easing the financial strain on families struggling to afford essential infant nutrition.

‘Alarmingly, nearly 1 in 10 families we support have been forced to water down formula just to make it last longer.

‘The rising cost of formula is having a devastating impact on families, and Morrisons’ move reflects a growing recognition of these challenges.

‘It’s encouraging to see retailers taking action, and we hope this sparks further action and collaboration to tackle child poverty.’

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