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Thousands of drivers to be hit with price hike up to £145 for using busy commuter bridge – check if you’re affected

THOUSANDS of UK drivers could soon pay £145 more on their travel costs.

One busy commuter bridge will be hiking prices in a bid to raise costs.

Toll prices on the Tamar Bridge will soon be rising
The bridge connects Devon with Cornwall

The Secretary of State for Transport has confirmed that drivers will be paying increased charges on the Tamar Bridge. 

The bridge connects Saltash in Cornwall to Plymouth in Devon.

According to Heidi Alexander MP, the secretary for transport, the price rise was “necessary to ensure the continued operation of the crossings”. 

She added that “without a toll, the services would not be sustainable”. 

Tolls for all vehicles on the bridge will rise to £3 from £2.60.

Although drivers are only charged travelling one way on the bridge, they could see price rises of £145 if they need to cross the river everyday.

This is because their 40p increase will work out to £2.80 a week, which adds up to a staggering £146 when considering all 52 weeks in a year.

Tamar Tag prices will rise to £1.50 from £1.30. 

This means that drivers with a Tamar Tag will see their costs rise by £52 a year.

Prices will also rise on the Torpoint Ferry, but the transport secretary has not confirmed when prices will be going up.

Solo motorcycles will be subject to a 100% price increase on the Torpoint Ferry, with fares rising from 50p to £1. 

However, it will remain free for them to travel on the Tamar Bridge. 

Tamar Bridge price hikes - how much will you be paying?

Prices for drivers crossing the Tamar Bridge are set to rise.

The toll for cars and lorries will rise from to £3 from £2.60.

The cost for drivers with a TamarTag discount cost will also rise to £1.30 from £1.50.

It will also cost more for solo motorcycle riders to use the Torpoint Ferry.

Motorcyclists will have to pay £1 to use the ferry when the changes come into effect.

Tamar Bridge and Torpoint Ferry Joint Committee have released a full statement after the news.

A spokesperson for the company said: “In the letter advising the decision, the Department for Transport said that the Secretary of State accepted that the proposed increases are necessary and proportionate.

“A copy of the Inspector’s report is available to view on our website.

“The decision will mean a cash toll of £3.00 for cars.

“The discounts for pre-paid crossings using the TamarTag scheme will continue to be 50% of the full toll, resulting in a tag toll for cars and vans of £1.50.

“Tolls for other vehicles will broadly increase pro rata.

“The Department of Transport will now complete the legal process necessary for a formal Toll Order.

“This process can take a little time. When completed, we will seek to increase rates as soon as practical after we have full authority to do so.

“Work is also taking place to develop a strategy and policy to deliver improved benefits for local people and make the necessary changes to legislation that will allow this to happen.

“This will include continuing to pursue the ability to apply RPI to tolls and smooth out the spikes and unpredictability of Toll Revisions, as well as seeking cheaper tolls for local people.”

The news comes as one company plans to construct an undersea tunnel connecting Spain with Morocco. 

It will connect Punta Paloma in the south of Spain and Malabata near Tangier in Morocco

SECEGSA says that the tunnel would reduce travel times between Madrid and Casablanca to just five-and-a-half hours. 

Drivers would be underwater for 17 miles and underground for six miles of the 24-mile journey. 

The tunnel is planned to be completed for the 2023 World Cup which is being hosted by Spain, Morocco and Portugal.


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