Learn how to calculate the area that can be reached in a given driving time from a location.A service area, also known as an isochrone, is a polygon that represents the area that can be reached when driving or walking on a street network. The area that can be reached is restricted by either time or distance.To calculate service areas, you can use the routing service. You provide a start location (facilities), one or more time or distance values, and a spatial reference. Once processed, the service returns the service areas that can be reached.In this tutorial, you use ArcGIS REST JS to access the routing service to create and display five, ten, and fifteen minute drive time service areas when the map is clicked. You use data-driven styling to give each polygon a different shade of blue.PrerequisitesYou need an ArcGIS Location Platform or ArcGIS Online account.StepsCreate a new penTo get started, either complete the Display a map tutorial or .Get an access tokenYou need an access token...