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Youngsville high schooler honored as 'Young Hero'

YOUNGSVILLE, La. (KLFY) -- A Southside junior was named a 'Louisiana Young Hero' for her personal story and community service.

Jesscia Anderson was chosen as one of the six ''Young Heroes' across the state, recognition given by Louisiana Public Broadcasting to an "exceptional young person who has excelled in academics, given significantly of themselves through public service, overcome personal adversity, exhibited extraordinary heroism, or inspired others through their deeds and strength of character to become better students, persons, and citizens."

Anderson said she wasn't expecting to be chosen.

"It's not why I do this, but it feels awesome to have this opportunity," Anderson said.

Anderson was born and raised in Haiti and adopted when she was just two years old.

“At the age of two, my mother, biological mother, passed away, and my biological father did not feel it was within his capacity to take care of us," Anderson said. "So, he asked my mom if she was willing to adopt me, and she said yes.”

Her mother, Megan Boudreaux, was a missionary, who founded Respire Haiti. The nonprofit offers education, medical care and community programs.

At nine years old, Anderson visited the US, but she and her family moved back to Haiti because they were homesick. A year later, they traveled back to the US for a fundraiser but could not travel back home to Haiti due to flight bans between the UN and Haiti.

She and her family lived in Carencro, Zachary and Lafayette, but have been in Youngsville for the past three years.

In her first few years in Louisiana, Anderson said it was hard.

"I feel like it was hard in the beginning being influenced by other people and maybe not doing things because I thought maybe it was a little embarrassing," Anderson said.

Now, she is honored for doing the things she wanted to do. She is part of the Brent Henley Youth Leadership Program and the Mayor President's You Advisory Council. Anderson is known for her parish-wide food and necessity drives that go to Catholic Charities of Acadiana.

“I would hope it means that people can look up to me," Anderson said. "I don't want to assume that people do, but I would hope they do and be inspired.”

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