The bizarre war over eggs
During the last four years, while bird flu rampaged throughout America, the USDA under the Biden administration responded by slaughtering over 100 million chickens (by some accounts, as many as 150 million) with no countermeasures to prevent egg price inflation.
The historic spike in egg prices, therefore, should have come as no surprise. The average price of a dozen eggs hit $5.90 in February 2025. The USDA reported egg prices hit a historic high of $8.17 per dozen on March 3. Because this price is an average, costs vary from location to location.
Trump made it a campaign promise to lower egg prices. But in the first few weeks of his administration, angry leftists were furious that he couldn’t overcome 100 million dead chickens and miraculously lower egg prices within days of taking office.
One angry consumer wrote, “And here I am in the Midwest of the U.S. and I just saw a dozen eggs priced at $9.72. Question to everyone that voted for the Cheeto (because I didn’t): Weren’t we supposed to see grocery prices come down like 3 months ago?? What happened with that?? Cuz we’re still waiting and getting angrier about it with each passing day.”
So the Biden administration killed more than 100 million birds, and this person blames Trump after two months in office? Yes.
But this person wasn’t the only furious citizen. Leftists all over the nation are decrying the high egg prices and demanding Trump DO something about them, as he promised. Eggs are still expensive! Orange Man Bad!
For eggs to go down in price, farmers need an opportunity to repopulate flocks. It takes months for infected farms to dispose of the carcasses, sanitize their farms and raise new birds. It takes at minimum four to five months (or longer, depending on the breed) for a hen to reach egg-laying maturity. But this also means the number of confirmed bird flu cases must subside, or consumers need to pull back on egg purchases. These are enormous challenges to overcome.
Yet, against all these odds, Trump is making good on his promise, and egg prices are dropping. According to a March 17 White House press release, “On Jan. 21, 2025, the wholesale price for eggs was $6.55/dozen; today, it’s $3.45/dozen – a $3.10/dozen (–47.3%) decrease. The average wholesale price for eggs has declined for three straight weeks.” The USDA confirmed a third consecutive week of price declines at supermarkets.
The reason behind this price drop was the aggressive measures to import eggs. “The U.S. Department of Agriculture will import between 70 million and 100 million eggs over the next two months in an effort to cap egg prices,” notes this article. “This initiative is part of a five-part plan, backed by $1 billion in funding, aimed at addressing the bird flu crisis and fixing the Biden administration’s mass culling policies of these hens at commercial broilers that ignited prices at the supermarket.”
And. Now. The. Left. Is. Losing. It.
Seriously, after being upset at Trump for months for failing to bring egg prices down, the left is now upset because he brought egg prices down. Honestly, you can’t make this stuff up.
“Democrats just had their egg-related misinformation and disinformation campaign against the president scrambled, as new USDA data reveals a third consecutive week of price declines at supermarkets,” notes this article. ABC News reported on egg prices dropping, but failed to mention the Trump policies behind the drops. House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries flat-out lied about inflation spiking under Trump, and how the president is crashing the economy.
Whenever the mainstream news media is forced to give grudging acknowledgment that egg prices are lower, they’ll attribute it to anything but Trump’s actions and policies. Easter is late. Bird flu is subsiding. The Easter Bunny is subsiding prices. The Magic Egg Fairy is working overtime. Anything but Trump.
A comical graph shows the number of stories related to egg prices in corporate media skyrocketed until egg prices began to fall. Then, suddenly, the number of stories literally fell off a cliff. Must! Not! Mention! Dropping! Egg! Prices! Orange Man bad!
In fact, this conservative journalist’s “long-time Democrat source” sent a text as follows: “Quick note: The word ‘egg’ is no longer allowed to be uttered by any of the Democrats.” (I’m sure this was a tongue-in-cheek text. Maybe. But if the graph above is any indication, perhaps it’s serious.)
And, of course, whenever something like this is newsworthy, the satirical website Babylon Bee has a great time poking fun at it. Consider this recent piece: “Federal Judge Orders Price Of Eggs To Go Back Up“:
Egg prices are finally on the decline for the first time since 2022, but one federal judge has put a stop to that with an injunction requiring egg prices to go back up. “Lower egg prices cause people to think President Trump is doing a good job, and that is a threat to our democracy. Therefore, egg prices must immediately go back up to their absurdly high levels. That’s what the law clearly states.” …
Experts are warning that while the case is appealed by the Trump administration, egg prices could climb to over $50 per dozen. …
At publishing time, the judge had also ruled that keeping your own chickens to save on eggs was unconstitutional.
Remember: If it’s coming from legacy media, it’s a lie. They don’t care if it hurts the American people. All they care about is hurting Trump.