Introduction What are rhinitis and postnasal drip? Causes What causes rhinitis? Runny Nose What conditions cause an abnormal production of nasal secretions? Smoking/Swallowing Problems What conditions cause an impaired clearance of nasal secretions? Symptoms What are the symptoms of rhinitis and postnasal drip? Diagnosis Which specialties of doctors diagnose and treat chronic rhinitis and postnasal drip? Treatment How can chronic rhinitis and post-nasal drip be treated? Medications What medications can be used to treat rhinitis and postnasal drip? Nonallergic Rhinitis Treatment What can be used to treat non-allergic rhinitis? Nasal Irrigation Does salt water or nasal irrigation have any role in the treatment of rhinitis and post-nasal drip? Surgery What are other options for the treatment of rhinitis and postnasal drip? FAQs Frequently asked questions What are rhinitis and postnasal drip?Rhinitis is inflammation of the nose, and post-nasal drip is mucus accumulation in the back of the...