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eToro IPO: Crypto and stock trading platform’s ETOR shares to list on Nasdaq in latest fintech public debut

eToro Group Ltd has announced that it plans to take itself public in an initial public offering. The company made the announcement in a press release today, in which it confirmed that it had filed its Form F-1 registration statement with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). However, there are still many unknowns about eToro’s IPO. Here’s what we do know—and what still needs to be revealed.

What is eToro Group Ltd?

eToro Group Ltd is the name of the company that operates the eToro trading platform. Like other trading platforms, eToro allows investors to buy and sell a number of assets, including stocks and cryptocurrencies. But eToro is slightly different than your more traditional trading platforms like Charles Schwab or Vanguard.

That’s because eToro is what is known as a “social trading” platform. The phrase signifies a platform that allows its users to see and, if they choose to, mimic the trades of other investors on the platform. This allows more novice investors to piggyback on the expertise of other investors whose decisions they trust.

eToro Group was founded back in 2007. It is based in Tel Aviv, Israel with offices around the world.

eToro by the numbers

According to the company’s Form F-1 registration statement, eToro has the following metrics as of December 31, 2024:

  • A global footprint that spreads across 75 countries.
  • Approximately 3.5 million Funded Accounts across those countries.
  • Net Contribution of $787 million (up 41% from $557 million in 2023).
  • Total Commission of $931 million (up 46% from $639 million in 2023).
  • Net income of $192 million (up 1,161% from $15 million in 2023).
  • Adjusted EBITDA of  $304 million (up 159% from $187 million in 2023).

eToro’s F-1 also lists a number of its growth strategies, which the company says focuses on acquiring more users in existing markets, increasing its share of users’ assets, and moving into new markets. Among the risks the company cites are uncertain legal and regulatory landscapes as well as operating in a highly competitive industry.

When is eToro’s IPO?

That’s unknown. As of this writing, eToro has not divulged when its IPO may take place. In its press release about its intention to go public, eToro stated that “the offering is subject to market conditions, and there can be no assurance as to whether or when the offering may be completed.”

What is eToro’s stock ticker?

eToro’s stock ticker will be “ETOR.”

What market will ETOR trade on?

eToro shares will trade on the Nasdaq Global Select Market.

What is the IPO share price of ETOR?

That is unknown. eToro says that “the price range for the proposed offering have not yet been determined.”

How many ETOR shares are available in its IPO?

That, too, is unknown. The company says that the number of shares it plans to offer has also not yet been determined.

How much will eToro raise in its IPO?

That is something else we do not know at this time. Until eToro announces the number of shares it will offer and the offering price, it cannot be known how much the company plans to raise in its IPO.


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