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Cops in appeal to find missing man, 30, who left ‘unexpectedly’ as public are urged to help search

COPS have launched an urgent appeal to find a missing 30-year-old man who left “unexpectedly”.

Albert was last seen at around 1.10pm yesterday in Charlton Down, Dorchester.

Dorset Police believe he may have since travelled to the Waterloo area in London.

He is described by the force as five feet eight inches tall and of medium build with short brown hair.

Albert was last seen wearing a black wool jumper, faded black jeans and black trainers.

Dorset Police said that they wanted to find Albert to make sure he is “safe and well”.

Cops urged anyone with information to come forward immediately.

Inspector Steve Hughes, of Dorset Police, said: “Albert left the area unexpectedly and we are keen to find him to ensure he is safe and well.

“I am appealing to anyone who has seen him, or a man matching the description given, to please come forward. 

“I would also ask anybody who may have information about his whereabouts to please contact the police.

“Albert – if you see this appeal, please get in touch with us as we just want to make sure you are OK.”

Cops added that the public can get in touch with info on his whereabouts quoting incident number 24:246.

Albert, 30, has gone missing
Dorset Police
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