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Is Trump’s assault on Canada bringing Québec and the rest of the country closer together?

Yulia Bosworth, Binghamton University, State University of New York

As Canadians rally around national unity in response to American tariffs and threats of annexation, kindling a renewed sense of Canadian nationalism, Québec stands in solidarity with the rest of Canada.

A February Angus Reid survey suggests a notable increase in Québecers’ emotional attachment to Canada and in their pride in being a Canadian. Those numbers increased by 15 and 13 percentage points to 45 and 58 per cent, respectively, compared to the findings in a similar poll conducted in December 2024.

A more recent Angus Reid poll has found Québec is the most anti-Donald Trump province in Canada.

Québec has joined the rest of Canada in mounting a strong economic response in the trade war. Premier François Legault has supported boycotting American products and buying local, diversifying exports and reducing barriers to inter-provincial trade.

With 41 per cent of Québecers responding that they are less likely to travel to the U.S., the province trails just slightly behind the 48 per cent share of Canadians with the same intentions, according to a Leger poll.

Québec’s distinct identity

In light of these expressions of unity, outgoing Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s contention that Canadians “are more united than ever” resonates with many in Canada and beyond. His replacement as leader, Mark Carney, told Canadians in his victory speech that Trump is “attacking Canadian workers, families and businesses and we cannot let him succeed …. When we are united, we are Canada strong.”

Québec, however, with its distinct identity within Canada anchored in the French language and a unique culture, faces particular challenges and priorities amid the current crisis.

As a sociolinguist and a discourse analyst with broad expertise in Québec studies, I focus on Québec identity and its distinctiveness within Canada. I am particularly interested in how it is constructed and expressed in public discourse, especially in the media and the political sphere.

Canadian identity had not been a prominent topic of national conversation for some time. In contrast, Québec identity has long been a key topic of public discourse, maintained and fuelled by the province’s media.

As Canadian society re-engages in defining its collective identity, it is especially timely to clarify what defines Québec identity and how the province is grappling with the current crisis.

My work analyzing identity-related public discourse has consistently shown that Québec remains committed to its own vision of identity and belonging. This vision is distinct from the Canadian approach, which is based on multiculturalism and bilingualism.


In contrast to Canadian multiculturalism, which does not recognize a national or a majority culture, Québec adheres to a model for managing cultural diversity known as interculturalism. Its overarching objective is to reconcile diversity with a national culture rooted in the French language.

Crucially, under interculturalism, the culture of the French-Canadian majority is no longer considered the defining element of Québec identity. Instead, Québecers of all backgrounds are called on to participate in a common civic culture. In this model, the French language serves as the common public language of civic engagement.

When national identity is anchored in a common culture, the link between them becomes vital. When one is threatened, so is the other. Conversely, reinforcing one is likely to strengthen the other.

The Québec state supports and promotes the French language and Québec culture as pillars of Québec identity.

But both English-speaking Canada and French-speaking Canada share the long-standing challenge of resisting Anglo-American cultural domination in order to maintain a distinct cultural identity.

In Québec, where language and culture are central to identity, the risk of annexation into the Anglo-American cultural sphere, or of more tariff-driven cuts to the already underfunded cultural sector, puts Québec identity in serious jeopardy.

Ties between culture and economics

This can help explain why, in addressing the looming economic crisis, Legault has vowed to protect Québec’s language, values and identity.

Economy and culture are deeply interconnected in the province — a coalition of regional arts festivals, for example, has called for an end to directing funds toward U.S.-based companies involved in organizing cultural events in the province.

The Canadian hockey team’s recent win in the 4 Nations Face-off inspired an enthusiastic display of national pride by fans across the country, including in Québec.

The Québec government is in fact working on legislation that would recognize ice hockey as the province’s official sport, another display of the shared passions between Québec and the rest of the country.

The rallying around Canadian identity, sparked by the threat of Trump’s tariffs and annexation, appears to be bringing Québec and the rest of Canada closer together. If so, is this rapprochement stemming from a heightened awareness of shared priorities, or from a growing mutual respect for the distinct ones? The coming weeks and months should provide the answers.

Yulia Bosworth, Associate Professor of French and Linguistics, Binghamton University, State University of New York

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

The post Is Trump’s assault on Canada bringing Québec and the rest of the country closer together? appeared first on The Moderate Voice.

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