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'Bachelor in Paradise' 2025's Golden Twist Revealed: First 5 Contestants Revealed!

The upcoming season of Bachelor in Paradise will be unlike any other season before it!

During the season finale of The Bachelor, host Jesse Palmer revealed that contestants from the “Golden” franchise will be looking for love on the beach alongside the younger people from Bachelor Nation.

Keep reading to find out more…

Jesse teased that we’ll have to wait until the summer to find out how the season will work. It’s unclear if the Golden contestants will be dating each other separately from the younger ones, or if some age-gap couples might come out of the show.

Last year, two men who competed on The Bachelorette were invited to Paradise.

The next three contestants for the upcoming Paradise season were revealed on The Bachelor finale on Monday (March 24) with a promise for more Golden seniors to be revealed.

Zoe McGrady

Zoe was a contestant on the 2025 season of The Bachelor and came in third place.

Jonathon Johnson

Jonathon was a contestant on the 2024 season of The Bachelorette and came in third place.

Hakeem Moulton

Hakeem was a contestant on the 2024 season of The Bachelorette and was eliminated in week three.

Gary Levingston

Gary was a contestant on The Golden Bachelorette. He was eliminated in week four.

Leslie Fhima

Leslie was a contestant on The Golden Bachelor and came in second place.

Get the spoilers for who won The Bachelor this year!

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