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$30 Million Sexual Assault Lawsuit Against Diddy Can Continue Judge Rules, but 5 Charges Dismissed

Sean “Diddy” Combs won a partial victory in the $30 million dollar lawsuit filed against him by a former producer on Monday, as the presiding judge dismissed 5 charges in the suit. However, Combs must still face accusations of sexual assault and liability, among other claims.

The lawsuit, filed in November in New York by Rodney “Lil’ Rod” Jones, accuses Combs of repeatedly sexually assaulting and harassing him, pressuring him to have sex with other men and female sex workers, pressuring him to take drugs, drugging him, and forcing him to buy drugs or the services of sex workers on Combs’ behalf.

The lawsuit also accuses Combs of effectively acting like a mob boss, accusing him of crimes that violate federal RICO (racketerring) laws.

In his ruling Monday, presiding Judge Judge Paul Oetken dismissed the RICO charges, charges of Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) violations against Combs’ business, claims of negligent and intentional infliction of emotional distress, and breach of contract.

However, TVPA charges against Combs personally, as well as his co-defendant Kristina Khorram, and sexual assault and liability claims, were not dismissed.

Oetken also reprimanded Jones’ attorney, Tyrone Blackburn, declaring that “the Court finds much of Blackburn’s conduct regarding Defendants’ motion to dismiss to be unsettling. Blackburn’s filings are replete with inaccurate statements of law, conclusory accusations, and inappropriate ad hominem attacks on opposing counsel.” Oetken also warned Blackburn that “further misconduct may lead to sanctions or to referral for discipline.”

Were Combs to prevail in this case, he still faces numerous criminal charges and several other lawsuits. He is currently being held in jail awaiting Trial in New York.

The post $30 Million Sexual Assault Lawsuit Against Diddy Can Continue Judge Rules, but 5 Charges Dismissed appeared first on TheWrap.


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