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'Major Conflict Of Interest': Fox News Host Slams Elon Musk's Access To China War Plans

Fox News host Howard Kurtz expressed concerns about "a major conflict of interest" after reports said that the Pentagon intended to provide billionaire Elon Musk with U.S. war plans against China.

According to The New York Times and other outlets, the Department of Defense was preparing a briefing for Musk but changed course after the intentions were revealed in the press. Musk has significant financial ties to Beijing and the Chinese government.

"Well, when I read it, I didn't love it, I'll be honest," conservative pundit Caroline Downey told Kurtz during a Sunday panel. "But Trump denied, obviously, that Musk ever sat in on those very secretive briefings."

"He is a high-profile guy, budget cutter-in-chief, and the world's richest man," Kurtz noted. "So Trump and Musk going after The New York Times, president saying he doesn't believe the sources, he doesn't suggest the sources may be made up."

"It would be a major conflict of interest if this was true," the Fox News host added.

Molly Ball of The Wall Street Journal insisted that the reports were accurate.

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