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Hallucinating man allegedly fires on own home, calls 911, and police discover he's in the U.S. illegally

A man who called 911 during a drug-induced hallucination claiming that people were trying to kill him and that his entire family had been murdered fired 30 shots into his home, prompting his loved ones to hide for cover, was living in the United States illegally, police in Texas said. 

Homero Salinas, 47, was determined to be the source of the threat when Ferris police officers responded to a home at around 2:40 a.m., authorities said. 

Salinas had been hallucinating after taking cocaine and drinking alcohol when he fired 30 rounds, including multiple gunshots at the front residence where his family lived, police said. 


"He was experiencing hallucinations and acted on the delusional belief that he was under attack and that his family had been killed," a police statement said. "His family, unaware that he was the one who made the 911 call or discharged the weapon, was found hiding on the floor inside their home, unharmed."

When officers responded to the home, Salinas was seen walking on a nearby street and taken into custody. He claimed to be wearing a ballistic vest, which was false, police said. 

Authorities found multiple firearms and ammunition. Salinas' family members were unharmed and damage from the gunshots was limited to this property, police said. They were unaware that Salinas called 911 and fired his weapon, authorities said. 

After taking his fingerprints, authorities eventually learned that Salinas was a Mexican citizen who was in the U.S. illegally.  


"The fact that no lives were lost in this incident is a testament to the skill and discipline of our first responders," Ferris City Manager Brooks Williams said. "This morning, we are thanking God no one was injured and for His favor over all the officers involved."

"But we cannot ignore what this situation reveals, someone without legal status, previously flagged by ICE, was still here and still able to access deadly weapons," Williams added. "That’s not just a local issue, it’s a systemic failure."

Salinas had been handled by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), in 2013, at which time a detainer had been placed on him.


"We are a nation of laws. When someone who has already had a detainer placed by ICE is able to remain in the country, acquire firearms, and walk freely into a neighborhood with a gun, that’s a failure of enforcement," said Deputy City Manager for Public Safety John DeLeon. This has nothing to do with politics. It has everything to do with protecting people."

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