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Congressional Bill Will Protect Pregnancy Centers From Democrats Trying to Shut Them Down

Pro-life lawmakers are set to introduce new legislation March 24 to expand protections for pregnancy care centers across the United States.

The Let Pregnancy Centers Serve Act, presented by Rep. Chris Smith, R-NJ, and Rep. Claudia Tenney, R-NY, aims to shield these centers from discrimination and government interference, according to a press release from Smith’s office.

Smith and Tenney will formally announce the bill at a press conference outside the U.S. Capitol on Monday, joined by pro-life leaders and representatives from pregnancy resource centers.

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According to Smith, who co-chairs the Congressional Pro-Life Caucus, some state governments — like his own in New Jersey — have targeted pregnancy care centers in ways that threaten their ability to serve women and families.

Smith, a longtime pro-life and human rights advocate, stressed the vital role that thousands of pregnancy care centers play across the country, describing them as essential sources of “love, compassion, empathy, respect, and quality care for both mothers and their precious children.”

“Yet state governments like New Jersey pander to abortion activists by targeting pregnancy care centers in a coordinated effort to intimidate the front-line volunteers and licensed medical professionals providing this critical support to mothers in need and their unborn baby boys and girls,” Smith said.

Tenney echoed Smith’s concerns, citing past attempts by liberal states and the Biden administration to restrict Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) funds from supporting pro-life organizations.

Tenney said the bill seeks to protect pregnancy centers from discrimination and ensure they can continue offering vital care to women and families.

“We must ensure women have access,” Tenney said, “to the resources pregnancy centers provide, empowering them to choose life.”

LifeNews Note: Rachel Quackenbush writes for CatholicVote, where this column originally appeared.

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