Christian Coffee Company Raises Alost $1 Million for Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers
An innovative startup coffee company recently announced it has donated nearly $1 million to pregnancy resource centers around the country and aims to hit the million-dollar mark by May.
Husband-and-wife duo Anton and Christa Krecic founded Seven Weeks Coffee in 2021 and donate 10% of its sales to cover ultrasound services and other needs at pregnancy resource centers, The Lion reports. So far, the company has donated $850,000 to pro-life causes.
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Besides embracing pro-life values, Krecic told the Lion that he seeks to bring his biblical worldview into the marketplace.
“This idea [is] that we could take our skills and God-given abilities, and live them out in the marketplace, in the economy,” he said. “And for us, that means we’re moving dollars through the economy with coffee that has an eternal impact, which is supporting life.”
The company purchases its organic, pesticide-free, mold-free beans directly from farmers around the world, and ensures that the farmers receive three times in pay than what Fairtrade requires, according to the Lion.
Krecic also explained the meaning of the company name to the Lion.
“At seven weeks, a baby is the size of a coffee bean,” Krecic said. “It’s the same time a heartbeat is detected on an ultrasound.”
Now that Krecic and his wife are expecting a baby, the mission has become even more important to them.
“Just to see life growing in my wife’s womb, and as we go in for ultrasound appointments to see the baby’s development throughout every stage of pregnancy, it truly makes your heart break for people who are facing unplanned pregnancies and then even considering abortion,” he said. “It makes us think, ‘How can we ever not cherish life in the womb when we’re seeing our own child’s life grow each week?’”
LifeNews Note: Grace Porto writes for CatholicVote, where this column originally appeared.
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