Doctor issues urgent warning about 2 things you should NEVER do at home – as you transfer millions of harmful bacteria
A DOCTOR has issued an urgent warning to stop doing two common things if you want to avoid bringing millions of harmful bacteria into your home.
Dr Rajar Ora explained that while her advice might seem controversial to some, sticking to it is vital for your health.
The first – wearing outdoor shoes inside your house.
“Your shoes can have millions of dangerous bacteria on them like E. coli, C. difficile and these can be transferred very easily onto your carpet and floors and even furniture upon entering the house,” she explained in a video on her TikTok page.
“It’s really important to leave your shoes outside of your living areas and ensure that you’re not walking on your carpet or your flooring wearing your outside shoes, because you could be transmitting lots of harmful bacteria everywhere.”
For the second piece of advice, Dr Rajar insisted you should never flush the toilet with the lid open.
“Studies have shown that airborne micro droplets of bacteria in the toilet can last up to 16 minutes after flushing the toilet,” she said.
“This can then transmit potentially to your surrounding areas – might be your towels, might be your toothbrushes.”
She added that while there is “some conflicting evidence” about it, she isn’t “about to take that risk”.
“So just keep that toilet lid down, especially after doing a number two,” she concluded.
The comments section was quickly filled with people agreeing with Dr Rajar’s advice, as one wrote: “Outside clothes inside the house, especially on sofa or chairs etc, on the bed, is absolutely criminal too”.
“Sending this video to my dad,” another added.
“The amount of times I tell him to take his shoes off in the house & his woman to take her heels off!”
“No outside shoes inside the house, no outside clothes on my bed and toilet lid has to be closed all the time,” a third insisted.
“Annoys me when visitors leave the lid up.”
But others weren’t quite as convinced.
“I walk round the house in my wellies! I am NEVER ILL EVER,” one wrote.
As another added: “Since I was a child we walk inside with shoes and I flush the toilet with lid open.
“I‘m 50 and me and my kids never got infected by anything.”