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Pakistan’s Special Envoy: peace in Afghanistan Essential for Regional Stability

Mohammad Sadiq Khan, Pakistan’s Special Representative for Afghanistan, has stated that peace and progress in Afghanistan are essential for regional stability.

The Pakistani Embassy in Kabul stated on Sunday, March 23 that the economic interests of Pakistan and Afghanistan are interlinked, and both countries must coordinate their efforts to strengthen regional economic development.

Sadiq Khan referred to Afghanistan as one of Pakistan’s most important regional partners and emphasized that the two countries should cooperate to expand bilateral trade and enhance regional connectivity.

Sadiq Khan, Pakistan’s Special Representative for Afghanistan, expressed these views while attending the Flag Hoisting ceremony at Pakistan’s embassy in Kabul. He highlighted the significance of March 23 as a day to reaffirm Pakistan’s commitment to the prosperity and defense of the nation.

Mohammad Sadiq’s remarks highlight the critical role that Afghanistan’s peace and economic development play in the broader regional stability. Pakistan’s focus on strengthening bilateral trade and connectivity with Afghanistan underscores the shared interests and potential for cooperative growth. By aligning efforts, both countries have an opportunity to build a more prosperous future for the region, which would benefit not only them but also neighboring nations, the statement stated.

Sadiq Khan’s visit to Kabul comes at a time when relations between the two countries are highly strained. Mutual accusations, disruptions in trade due to the closure of the Torkham border crossing for a month, and the issue of setting a deadline for the expulsion of Afghan refugees are some of the main challenges in bilateral relations.

The Torkham border crossing has reopened after being closed for 27 days. However, Pakistan has set a deadline for undocumented refugees, requiring them to leave the country by the end of March.

The Taliban has urged Pakistani authorities to ease their hardline stance on migrants and allow them to return to Afghanistan voluntarily.

The post Pakistan’s Special Envoy: peace in Afghanistan Essential for Regional Stability appeared first on Khaama Press.


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