UK Labour doing reverse of NZ Labour
The Daily Mail reports:
Thousands of jobs faced the axe last night after Sir Keir Starmer announced NHSEngland will be scrapped in a bid to slash red tape.
He hopes that ditching the ‘world’s largest quango’ will save hundreds of millions of pounds a year that can be spent on patients instead.
This is the exact opposite of what NZ Labour did. NZ Labour merged all the DHBs into one huge entity, while UK Labour is saying let the Regional NHSs run themselves without a centralised quango.
Half the 18,600 office staff employed by the two organisations will be lost, with the funds redirected to doctors, nurses and frontline services. This will help to cut waiting lists and improve care, Sir Keir claimed yesterday.
Sounds similar to what the Government is NZ is trying to do – cuts back office staff to redirect to doctors and nurses.
One of the areas where big savings could be made is in the number of equality schemes in the NHS. While ministers view some as important, they say there are far too many that are well-meaning but misguided.
UK Labour seem much more rational than NZ Labour.
The post UK Labour doing reverse of NZ Labour first appeared on Kiwiblog.