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These 5 Video Games Deserve Their Own TV Shows

After decades of milking the comic book cash cow, Hollywood is realizing that video games may be their newest recycling center for plot lines. Now that Severance (inspired by “The Stanley Parable“) and the eponymous The Witcher and The Last of Us series have gained commercial success, here are five titles that deserve their own pilot.

1. Horizon Zero Dawn

The paradox of Horizon Zero Dawn‘s universe being both apocalyptic and pre-industrial creates a perfect world for television. Throw in a main character as layered and lovable as Aloy, a young girl who has been outcast from the Nora tribe and goes out into the world in search of her true lineage and ends up tasked with saving the future of humanity, and you’ve got the perfect recipe for a binge-worthy series.

2. Control

Inspired by writings from the supernatural fan-fic of the ‘SCP Foundation’, Control is a perfect sci-fi successor to Severance. Following Jesse Faden’s unexplained appearance at the headquarters of the ‘Federal Bureau of Control’, she must combat a force known as the ‘Hiss’ possessing the consciousness of its employees, and discover what the organization has done with her brother.

3. God of War

Drawing on Greek and Norse mythology perfect for any large budget fantasy series, at its heart God of War is the story of a father and son overcoming the grief and loss of a wife and mother. The emotional backdrop, paired with the mystic behind Kratos’ past and Atreus’ true identity, serves as the perfect scaffolding for a TV series.

4. Grand Theft Auto

Grand Theft Auto deserves its own TV series because it’s already the embodiment of every crime family, drug lord, and heist storyline. All Rockstar Games needed to do was hand the right target audience a controler. Now that the franchise is a house-hold name with over a quarter of a century of success behind it, it’s time for someone to write its most beloved characters an eight to ten episode arc.

5. Firewatch

There is no better time than the present to bring this indie game with an amazing setting, and even more intriguing storyline to a streaming platform. Centering around Henry, a middle-aged man who signs up to be a fire lookout in Wyoming as a way to cope with his wife’s dementia, Firewatch is a love story to our national parks and the beauty of being isolated within nature. Add in the plot’s mystery and conspiracy, and you’ll have TV fans going crazy on Reddit with their theories.


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