D.W. Winnicott (1987) coined the term “good enough mother.” It refers to the ‘holding environment’ for the child that ensures that, during the first years of rapid neuropsychological growth, the child feels appreciated, confident, and trusting. Good enough caregivers know that babies need to feel secure, safe, wanted, connected all of the time. Thus, good enough care does not impose any pain or distress, which can be traumatic for a baby.Overall, a good enough mother or caregiver does not deny the baby’s need fulfillment, understanding that babies have an inner compass of what is needed for optimal growth (Schore, 2019). They signal developmental needs by what interests them (e.g., crawling for neurodevelopment) and the good enough caregiver allows them to practice those interests.What does good enough care look like? Here are a few characteristics identified from ethnography, psychotherapy, and neurobiological science.Provide security and stability. Good enough caregivers keep a child...