Indiana Eviction Laws: The Process & Timeline In 2024
Indiana eviction laws vary from county to county, but they still follow the same general eviction process:Send a clear written noticeFill out the formsServe the tenantAttend the trialWait for judgmentEvery eviction process is different and dependent on the lease/rental agreement signed by the tenant and the landlord. It is always best to exercise meticulous file-keeping to avoid errors that the tenant could exploit.This article details a summary for landlords to refer to when evicting a tenant. Confirm procedures with your justice court to make sure the entire process goes as smoothly as possible.Download the Landlord’s Guide to Eviction Laws WhitepaperGet the quintessential guide to eviction laws on the go from DoorLoop’s “Landlord’s Guide” series.Click here or on the banner above to download the whitepaper and get all our best tips (by the book).Now, let’s dive in.Eviction Reasons1. Failure to comply with rent deadlinesRent is usually considered late a day past it is due. A grace pe...