Share your opinion on final five choices for OKC soccer team name
OKLAHOMA CITY, Ok (KFOR) -- Time is running out to put your input into naming the OKC soccer team set to take the field in 2027. In January, OKC for soccer opened a survey to let Oklahomans share their ideas for naming the team.
"We had over 10,000 names, suggestions from the people of Oklahoma City and beyond," said Court Jeske, the President of OKC for soccer.
News 4 talked with eager fans three months ago to hear their ideas. One man suggested a name that is one of the final five choices.
"I'm going to go with the bison," said Gerry Melton who talked to News 4 in January.
The are five options left, but there's still more to be done before the team is officially named.
- OKC Bison FC
- OKC Lightning FC
- OKC Thunderbird FC
- OKC United
- OKC Wind FC
"We've asked the community to give input at every turn. Now what we need is everyone to go to and make sure and list out their top two favorites that we have," said Jeske.
The last round of input will then go to designer, Matthew Wolff.
"To help us create the next imagery and icons for the city and our big league club that's coming in 2027," said Jeske.
If the name you like doesn't get picked, there's still a chance you might see it in the logo.
"It could be that we have united with the icon of a buffalo surrounding OKC, or we have lightning somehow included with united or various different derivatives of that," said Jeske.
Jeske said creating a name for our soccer team is more about listening to the fans and forming a team that depicts Oklahoma City for what it is.
"You don't have to be a soccer fan to know that Manchester has a team or Barcelona has a team in the global game. This will be our team in the global game that gets to represent us for the next 50 years and beyond," said Jeske.
To make your choices on the final five options of the new team name, click here. The poll will close Monday night just before midnight.