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Teacher arrested on criminal possession of a weapon charges

GUILDERLAND, N.Y. (NEWS10) -- Two arrests made in two Capital Region cities connected to one teacher. 53-year-old Akili-Abdul Duncan was arrested Thursday by the Guilderland Police in connection to a criminal possession weapons charge from back in 2021. He was also then arrested by Rensselaer Police Friday morning on criminal weapons possession charges from December of 2024.

Police say they found a loaded pistol at the Crossgates Mall in 2021 and after a lengthy investigation, it led them to Duncan. He was arrested at his Albany home and is now facing Criminal Possession of a Weapon in the 2nd degree for the Crossgates gun incident just before he started working as a technology teacher at Farnsworth Middle School.

The school district confirmed that Duncan was hired in 2022 after he passed a background check. They also say he is now on administrative leave with all access to district schools being restricted.

"We remain steadfast in our commitment to providing a safe and emotionally supportive learning environment for the children at Farnsworth Middle School and all of our students," said Superintendent of Schools Dr. Marie Wiles. 

After the Crossgates arrest, Duncan was sent to the Albany County Jail. One day later he was picked up by Rensselaer City Police and arrested in a separate case. Police there confirms they arrested Duncan on charges related to a domestic incident in 2024 where he was found with a loaded pistol. They say he does not have the required New York State pistol permit.

Attorney Robert Babcock with Tully Rinckey said these charges carry lengthy penalties if found guilty. He explained, “Possession of a Weapon in the Second Degree is a pretty serious crime in the state of New York. A Possession of a Weapon in the Second Degree is going to have him exposed to at least seven years of prison time.” The attorney went to explain, “Under New York law, even if you have a legal weapon, not defaced, not altered in any way, otherwise completely legal, if you do not register that weapon with the authorities in New York State it is a criminal charge. It is actually a class E-Felony which can subject a person to probation, fines, but most importantly, one to four years in prison.”

Duncan was arraigned in the City of Rensselaer Court. He was remanded to the Rensselaer County Jail in lieu of $5,000.00 cash bail, $50,000 insurance company bail bond, or $50,000 partially secured surety bond.


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