Guest Post: Could Matt Doocey’s transgender stance be contributing to anxiety in our young?
A guest post by Wendy Geus:
Could Matt Doocey’s transgender stance be contributing to anxiety in our young?
Like Ardern’s mythical ‘climate emergency’?
I sent an email to Winston Peters after I read New Zealand First has introduced a Member’s Bill to remove Diversity, Equity and Inclusiveness regulations from our public service, congratulating him on his decision. No doubt mine was not the only one. I felt jubilant at the thought of a politician finally addressing this issue.
When I checked the Herald for details shortly after, the article was gone. (This is why a major shareholder of NZME is keen to sack the board and return some balance to this pious, humourless left wing publication.) They report, grudgingly, anything they don’t agree with then remove it quickly to avoid too much coverage of ‘unsafe’ ideas. Hopefully that will be rectified soon.
Seeing Trump’s swift action on removing the DEI peremeating public services in the United States, New Zealand First senses that people here feel the same about the take over of identity politics in our public service in all its absurdity. Appointments of roles using rigid DEI guidelines could in a worse case scenario affect people’s safety and lives.
The recent account of a Delta Airlines plane flipping on a Canadian airport tarmac, piloted by a woman with 3 female co pilots and engineers whose catchphrase was ‘Unmanned’, illustrates DEI at its most awkward and concerning. Political correctness defies anyone questioning if they were up to the job. But when the safety of hundreds of passengers is at stake, accountability is crucial. Doubtful in Canada where DEI runs deep.
I mentioned in a previous article a Washington Examiner report on the Goldwater Institute’s investigation indicated: “DEI ‘s ‘obscene price tag’ of $1.8 billion dollars with United States University students forced to waste 40 million hours fulfilling mandatory DEI initiatives.” Also Government departments’ DEI fixation, such as the FBI in particular, affecting performance outcomes; and serious questions, in this regard, asked of the Los Angeles Fire Department following the LA fires.
Victorious Trump’s courage to attack the tyranny of the left won the day in the United States but is an ongoing challenge. Washington Times asserts ‘Trump must stand strong against the Left’s rage’ signalling his ongoing fight, one in which our passive Prime Minister does not engage.He seems to condone the ongoing transgender activists’ indoctrination of our children; men playing in women’s sport; and maintaining the secrecy around the details and culpability for our embarrassing maritime disaster last year which has made New Zealand a global laughing stock…. to name just a few.
Not to forget the outcome of the announced Court Martial of the ship’s Captain which seems to have vanished into thin air, aided by the media’s disinterest as their witch hunt of David Seymour’s lunch programme has taken priority over this mere triviality.
Jacinda Ardern at the height of her global virtue signalling appointed Yvonne Gray with great fanfare, to the prestigious role of Captain of the newly minted $147 million Manawanui. All things being equal that in itself should not have been a problem if her credentials were sound; except she had just returned from a three year break from the Navy. Was she apppointed purely on merit? Was there noone else who could have done this job, including the three quarters of staff who are men, many more qualified with longer and more recent experience?
This appears to be one of the myriad Labour government’s ideological appointments negatively affecting culture, performance, productivity and in this case, safety, throughout the New Zealand public service which Luxon is loath to change but Peter’s is intent on addressing.
Associate Defence Minister Chris Penk who served in both the New Zealand Navy and Australian Navy seemed an obvious replacement for Defence Minister Judith Collins after she went on the attack following the maritime disaster, shutting down discussion, labelling critics misogynists and demonstrating she was completely out of her depth. (excuse the pun)
Will we ever find out the details around this disaster and who ultimately was culpable; or will we get a white washed redacted report to protect the ‘mental health’ of those involved and the reputations of officials.
Like Canada, DEI still reigns supreme under our weak PM. Girls, apparently, can do anything.
From subjecting 2 year olds to (taxpayer funded) transvestites reading stories to them in libraries and labelling it ‘normal’. (Personally as a toddler I would be more terrified of the weird creature reading the story than the Destiny’s church haka which children see everywhere these days)…
To Health New Zealand’s ongoing stated discriminatory preference for Maori, Pacifika, the Rainbow community and the disabled in their job advertisements, which was not addressed by former CEO Margie Apa (who probably introduced it) or Dr Shane Reti…
To lessons indoctrinating our children as young as three or four who are still learning to hold a crayon or pencil, that they can change sex. Imagine how this must seem to these little minds still learning to navigate their world as a boy or a girl; confusion and anxiety must result.
The sexualisation and indoctrination of our young by predatory trans gender activists is not what parents expect. I know many parents are at their wits end over this and are not being listened to. (Like in the USA under Biden)
I understand at the end of 2024 New Zealand First got an undertaking for this programme to be withdrawn but not till the end of term one 2025. No doubt the likes of Doocey, Luxon and Stanford had a say in prolonging it. Who knows what damage it continues to do to all our students subjected to this radical programme.
With an agreement to remove ridiculous ‘treaty obligations’ references from the public service in the Coalition Agreement this shouldn’t be difficult, with a simple reversal of the public service amendment made by Chris Hipkins. Why has this not been done already? We are nearly half way through their first term. Much animated cabinet discussion must have taken place, or not… Luxon’s preferred way of dealing with sensitive issues.
In April 2024 in the UK the release of the Cass report, after a ground breaking four year investigation into the use of puberty blockers for young children, resulted in their immediate banning for under 16s with Gender Dysphoria. This from a radical Labour government. Northern Ireland followed close on their heels.
The Tavistock Clinic at the centre of this, where Minister for Mental Health Matt Doocey had worked prior to coming to New Zealand, was closed down. A key finding of the investigation was to include an holistic approach to treat young people with this condition.
My further concern stems from a comment Doocey made on Q @ A in March 2024, words to the effect that he was looking forward to the moment his children reveal to him what their genders are.
And he is the Mental Health Minister? How disturbing.
His beliefs are not rational and do not withstand public scrutiny when put under the common sense, logic and reason lens. This is why the radical left invented ‘hate speech’ to prevent criticism of their irrational beliefs using the excuse it could be ‘unsafe’. Further lunacy of the left on a par with Alice in Wonderland; fine for a fairy tale, but not real life.
The media buys into all this and bullies anyone who criticises. So is it not about time someone came along and shook up the radical left journos at the Herald?
The New Zealand Ministry of Health took little notice of the findings in the Cass Report and the use of puberty blockers for under 16s in New Zealand continues. Stephen Frank’s recent letter questioning treatment has been met with outrage by our media and dissent from apparent experts in the field.
When will this tyranny end?
The post Guest Post: Could Matt Doocey’s transgender stance be contributing to anxiety in our young? first appeared on Kiwiblog.