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2025 Albany Tulip Queen nominations open

ALBANY, N.Y. (NEWS10) -- The nominations are open for the 2025 Albany Tulip Queen. As Tulip Queen, the winner will serve as Albany's ambassador for one full year.

The queen will be crowned in a coronation ceremony at the Tulip Festival on May 10 after a series of interviews. Finalists are announced early May.

Each queen and her court spend their year of reign involved in volunteer projects, developing initiatives to further their goals, and attending events throughout the year focusing on education and community awareness.

The Albany Tulip Queen and Court have also teamed up with the United Way, creating a trust fund for future queens and courts to award grants to literacy organizations. The Tulip Queen receives a $5,000 scholarship with each court member getting $1,500.

To be nominated, you must meet the following requirments:

  • Resident of Albany County from May 2025 to May 2026
  • Aged 18 to 24
  • Team building and leadership skills
  • Community outreach goals

The deadline for nominations is April 18. You can contact or go to the Albany Office of Cultural Affairs website to nominate someone.

The annual Albany Tulip Festival will be held at Washington Park on May 10 and May 11. It features handmade craft, a fine arts show, food, entertainment, and of course, tulips.


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