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Amanda Seyfried Said No to ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ Because She Worried It Would Be ‘Marvel’s First Bomb’: ‘I Was Wrong’ | Video

Amanda Seyfried has previously revealed she was offered the part of Gamora in Marvel’s “Guardians of the Galaxy” but turned it down, but while appearing on Josh Horowitz’s “Happy Sad Confused” podcast this week, she revealed the reason why: She thought the film was going to be “Marvel’s first bomb.”

“I was wrong,” she acknowledged.

It wasn’t just that, of course. She did meet with “Guardians” director James Gunn, and said “it was wonderful. He’s wonderful. Apparently, someone said that he didn’t remember it or wasn’t true. And I was like, Wait a second. I was like, it’s definitely true. And I was definitely got the offer for it, and I definitely milled over it for like, a couple days.”

But she told Horowitz, she was working at the time with the same trainer who had also worked with several actors in Fox’s “X-Men” movies, and “I was really scared of the idea of being a stuck and painted a different color because of the amount of time that the X Men people had been.”

Seyfried “didn’t want to live in London for six months out of the year,” she explained, and also wanted to make Seth MacFarlane’s “A Million Ways to Die in the West.”

“But let’s also remember being a part of a Marvel movie, the first Marvel movie that bombs, ain’t good for your career. I thought that because this was about a talking tree and a talking raccoon, that it was going to be Marvel’s first bomb and that Chris Pratt and I would never work again. It was wrong,” she continued.

She said she considers Gunn “a genius” and “a wonderful filmmaker, and he can actually make anything work. But I was way too scared… I was at a precarious moment in my career, and I didn’t want to, I didn’t want to suffer for the work, and I think getting there for four and a half hours every morning and every night just seemed like it wasn’t going to be fun.”

But she doesn’t “regret anything that I any decision that I made. I made I made it for myself in the right, in the moment that I made it. It was good for me then, and it’s good for me now. And I also think the people that make that, you know, Zoe and Chris and everybody who’s part of that movie are having the best time, and it worked for them. And I love that, I love that I was able to, you know, stay with my gut.”

You can watch the full clip below:

The post Amanda Seyfried Said No to ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ Because She Worried It Would Be ‘Marvel’s First Bomb’: ‘I Was Wrong’ | Video appeared first on TheWrap.


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