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Hurdle hints and answers for March 21, 2025

If you like playing daily word games like Wordle, then Hurdle is a great game to add to your routine.

There are five rounds to the game. The first round sees you trying to guess the word, with correct, misplaced, and incorrect letters shown in each guess. If you guess the correct answer, it'll take you to the next hurdle, providing the answer to the last hurdle as your first guess. This can give you several clues or none, depending on the words. For the final hurdle, every correct answer from previous hurdles is shown, with correct and misplaced letters clearly shown.

An important note is that the number of times a letter is highlighted from previous guesses does necessarily indicate the number of times that letter appears in the final hurdle.

If you find yourself stuck at any step of today's Hurdle, don't worry! We have you covered.

Hurdle Word 1 hint

A quick appearance in a show or film.

Hurdle Word 1 answer


Hurdle Word 2 hint

Competing against.

Hurdle Word 2 Answer


Hurdle Word 3 hint

Wanting something very badly.

Hurdle Word 3 answer


Hurdle Word 4 hint

A French hat.

Hurdle Word 4 answer


Final Hurdle hint

Made a promise.

Hurdle Word 5 answer


If you're looking for more puzzles, Mashable's got games now! Check out our games hub for Mahjong, Sudoku, free crossword, and more.


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