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Justin Baldoni Responds to Blake Lively's Motion to Dismiss His Defamation Lawsuit Against Her

Justin Baldoni is responding to Blake Lively‘s latest legal move.

Blake filed a motion to dismiss Justin‘s defamation lawsuit on Thursday (March 20) and cited a California law protecting individuals who report allegations of sexual misconduct from retaliatory lawsuits. If granted, Justin’s claims would be dismissed, and he could be required to cover Blake‘s legal fees.

Through a statement released by his attorney Bryan Freedman, the actor is responding to the motion to dismiss his lawsuit against Blake.

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“Ms. Lively’s recent motion to dismiss herself from the self-concocted disaster she initiated is one of the most abhorrent examples of abusing our legal system,” Freedman said in a statement provided to

The statement continued, “Stringent rules are put into place to protect the innocent and allow individuals to rightfully defend themselves. Laws are not meant to be twisted and curated by privileged elites to fit their own personal agenda. As we said yesterday in response to Mr. Reynolds’ same cowardly measures, we will continue to hold Ms. Lively accountable for her actions of pure malice which include falsely accusing my clients of harassment and retaliation. Her fantastical claims will be swiftly debunked as discovery moves forward, easily disproved with actual, evidentiary proof.”

Ryan Reynolds‘ legal team also just filed paperwork to dismiss the Justin Baldoni complaint against him.

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