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NFL Insider Shares More Intel About Stefon Diggs’ Patriots Visit

The Patriots reportedly hosted a special guest Wednesday and Thursday.

The Athletic’s Chad Graff on Wednesday night reported Stefon Diggs was in Foxboro, Mass., to meet with New England. Diggs entered NFL free agency last week in a tricky spot, as he’s one of the most accomplished wide receivers on the open market but is coming off a serious season-ending injury.

According to Graff, Diggs will take a physical Thursday so the Patriots can check out his surgically repaired knee. However, the veteran pass-catcher’s agenda also included a Wednesday night dinner with New England staffers and additional meetings Thursday, per Sports Illustrated’s Albert Breer. Breer also noted the Patriots represented Diggs’ first known visit of the offseason.

If Diggs can mirror the player he was before tearing his ACL last October, he could provide a significant boost to the Patriots. New England had a front-row seat to that supreme productivity, as Diggs logged a combined 445 catches for 5,372 yards with 37 touchdowns over his four seasons with the Buffalo Bills.

New England also might be more compelled to add Diggs given the state of the receiver market. Unless the Patriots are confident in their chances to acquire a game-changer via trade, Diggs is one of the best options left.


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