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UFC gambling probe: Jeff Molina, Darrick Minner set for Nevada disciplinary hearings

Two fighters embroiled by the investigations into potential illegal wagering on UFC fights will go before the Nevada Athletic Commission after more than two years on temporary suspension.

UFC flyweight Jeff Molina and former UFC featherweight Darrick Minner are set for disciplinary hearings next Tuesday in Las Vegas, according to the NAC.

No further details were revealed, but typically hearings of this nature result in the announcement of sanctions, including suspensions or fines.

Molina has been suspended since January 2023 for what the commission deemed “substantial” involvement in the “gaming scheme” involving coach James Krause. Minner, who was one-half of the bout that sparked investigations due to unusual betting line movements, was suspended in December 2022 for what the commission said was failure to disclose an injury.

Neither fighter has competed since Minner’s quick November 2022 loss to Shayilan Nuerdanbieke was flagged due to suspicious betting line movement. Minner appeared to quickly be hindered by a leg injury before he was finished by Nuerdanbieke strikes.

Shortly after the bout, U.S. Integrity launched an investigation and several gaming commissions disallowed UFC fights from being bet on. Weeks after the bout, Krause was pulled from cornering another one of his fighters, Miles Johns, in the UFC.

Days later, the UFC announced it was barring its athletes from training with Krause or at his gym. Krause was then suspended by the NAC.

UFC CEO Dana White, who had initially brushed off the issue, revealed things were more serious than he initially believed and added the FBI was involved in the investigation.

“Do you know what the outcome of this is? Like, if I penalize them, you get cut,” White said at the time. “They’re gonna go to f*cking federal prison. Federal. F*cking. Prison. If you’re that f*cking stupid and somebody else wants to do it, knock yourself out. There’s not enough money in it to ruin your life and, not go to jail, go to federal prison.”

According to a lengthy report by ESPN, Krause worked as an agent for offline sportsbook where individuals could place bets through him. Krause offered a line of credit and referral kickbacks.

Minner was released by the UFC in December 2022. In a June 2024 interview with MMA History Podcast, Minner claimed he had not been contacted by any investigative body except the NAC.

Krause largely remained out of the public eye since the investigation launched, though recently began posting real estate advice on his Facebook page. He remains suspended by the NAC.


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