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Taxing Illinois drivers by the mile is a bad idea

This new "road usage charge" proposal "Illinois eyes taxing drivers by the mile — rather than by the gallon of gas" couldn’t come at a worse time for Illinois motorists who already pay the second-highest gas taxes in the entire nation.

When Gov. JB Pritzker doubled the state gas tax in 2019 from 19 cents to 38 cents a gallon, he also implemented automatic annual increases tied to inflation; giving lawmakers zero accountability for the unpopular move to raise taxes annually. These have pushed Illinois’ total state gas tax to 66 cents per gallon, the second-highest in the nation behind only California.

Missouri drivers pay 39 cents less per gallon. Ohio drivers pay 27 cents less and Michigan drivers pay 18 cents less than Illinois. It’s hurting businesses on the border. The average Illinois motorist currently pays an estimated $323 annually in state gas taxes alone.

The new proposal would be based on reporting your mileage or a transponder keeping track in your car. So we’ll have to budget our mileage like Ferris Bueller or else we’ll get in trouble. The worst of it all are the serious privacy concerns. Who wants the government riding with them in the car? Previous versions of this idea included requirements for tracking devices to monitor miles driven or flat annual fees of $450. There’s unknown consequences for how this data could be used.

Ultimately, it’s regressive taxation hurting low-income and rural residents who spend the most time in the car.

The state is being comical when it says it needs this to fund infrastructure. Illinois drivers are already paying more than their fair share.

Dylan Sharkey, assistant editor, Illinois Policy Institute

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Saying good-bye to Sun-Times greats

I can’t help it — I kinda feel like some of my family is leaving me. It’s not exactly a Romeo and Juliet type of love, but it was a big-time admiration. I have been a Sun-Times reader for over 75 years. In my youth I even delivered the paper for two years. Hearing the news that I will not longer be able to read the opinions of Rick Morrissey, Rick Telander, Richard Roeper and Michael Sneed makes me feel like I’m losing good friends. Add them to the list that included Mike Royko, Mary Mitchell, and Chris Fusco, and I’m hoping I can overcome my slump.

We readers, after all, let them into our lives. They shaped our ideas, gave us insight, made us mad at times but always it was part of our daily lives. They will be and are already sorely missed.

Bob Angone, retired Chicago Police lieutenant, Austin, Texas

The ‘right’ proposal to boost Sun-Times’ sales

It’s unfortunate to read about the financial hardship the Sun-Times is facing. It’s hard for any newspaper to survive in a digital world, but it is possible. Look at the resurgence of vinyl records. Part of the decline in newspaper readers is due to the views of the paper itself. Politically speaking, the Sun-Times leans to the left — hard. A newspaper should be unbiased and offer different points of view . Bringing in new writers with opposing points of view would certainly attract new readers. Instead current readers are stuck with the same one-sided stories about the president, the mayor and the Chicago Teachers Union. While some readers may be offended by change, it would certainly have people talking and increase sales.

Joe Ferro, Garfield Ridge.

A welcome mat with limits

There have been letters to the paper referencing the Statue of Liberty and how the United States is no longer living up to the words written on it, about sending us the "tired, poor, huddled masses, homeless and tempest-tossed" of the world.

People today forget that the promise is that of liberty — the freedom to pursue happiness. The promise is not that we will take care of you.

Larry Craig, Wilmette

We don’t deserve the Statue of Liberty with Trump in charge

It saddens me greatly, but in light of all that Donald Trump has done, the way he has shamed us and aligned this country with a known dictator, is shameful. He has disgraced this country. So no, with him as the president, we don't deserve the Statue of Liberty. It should be returned until we do live up to what the Statue of Liberty stands for, and when we are again the honorable country we once were.

Trump has forgotten what is inscribed in the Statue of Liberty. Let me remind him and others what it says: "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore."

These are the people who made our country great and fought to kept it free from dictators and people who wore swastikas.

Connie Orland, Plainfield

Krishnamoorthi should take Durbin’s place

Based on his recent vote with the Republican majority to pass the budget, has Senator Dick Durbin, D-Ill., signaled his pending departure from congress? It's time for Sen. Durbin to enjoy retirement. Looking for a man of the people to run for his seat. U.S. Rep Raja Krishnamoorthi, D-Ill., is my candidate.

Mark Renz, Oak Lawn

Not ideal, but some stories sell better than others

Concerning Bill Dal Cerro’s recent letter to the editor about Italian Americans being stereotyped in pop culture. if Hollywood made movies about Lt. Joe Petrosino and A.P. Giannini, they would do poorly at the box office compared to gangster films. Hollywood gives people what they want. Unfortunately it is usually not fine arts.

John Hughes, Lombard

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