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Selena Gomez Goes Nonverbal and Takes a Lap on 2nd ‘Hot Ones’ Appearance: ‘Why Do People Do This?’ | Video

Selena Gomez was at a loss for words and even had to take a lap around the room taking after taking a bite out of “Da Bomb” sauced wings during her second appearance on “Hot Ones” with fiancé Benny Blanco on Thursday.

“I hate you so much,” Gomez said to host Sean Evans as he explained the next interview game. The two appeared on the wing-eating talk series to promote their upcoming joint album “I Said I Love You First.” The couple’s next task was to answer questions related to their relationship and their work as musicians.

“Which of my songs, not including the ones we have made together, is all-time favorite?” Gomez read from bucket of questions, garbling her words as she tried to manage the spice of the wings.

“Um, my brain, it just keeps going, ‘Oooo,'” Blanco said as he got a gentle nudge from Gomez to hurry up.

“Will you answer the damn question, answer it,” Gomez urged him.

“Ah, ‘Good For You,'” Blanco replied.

Visibly uncomfortable, Gomez was then seen fanning her hands and trying to keep focus. But eventually, the singer-actress got out of her seat and paced the room in an attempt to collect herself.

“I have to stand up,” Gomez said.

“Yeah, go ahead. Take a lap, take a lap,” Evans told her.

It was then Gomez’s turn to answer a question about Blanco.

“What would you say my most underrated song is? You don’t even know my songs,” Blanco said to Gomez who was rubbing a napkin on her tongue to cool it down. “What just came out of your nose? What was that?”

“It was my mouth,” Gomez responded as she sat back down. “God, I’m such a little baby … I don’t know, I don’t know what song you would have done. I’m sorry, babe. All your songs are amazing … I also don’t think I care about anything.”

The couple moved on, and by this point, Gomez appeared to have settled in. The next sauce was the “Sicilian Scorpion.” While Evans said the sauce would not be as devastating as the last, Gomez still struggled. However, the actress straightened up out of fear that viewers would say she was being extra.

“I’m going to stop being this way because everyone’s going to go, ‘She’s being so dramatic.’ I can already read the comments. OK. Fine. I’m cool,” she said.

In response to Blanco, who appeared to be confused by Gomez’s remarks, she said: “We live in a cruel world, Benny.”

In the middle of Blanco detailing his favorite cookbook, the camera zoomed in on Gomez who was in deep thought, breathing heavily and even had to wipe away a tear.

“You had more,” Gomez said.

But they made it to the end of the gauntlet. Evans’ last question: “Do you think this experience will have a positive impact on the relationship or cause strife? Like, do you think couples should go through the Hot Wings gauntlet together?”

“I think it would be so fun to do with your partner. You might hate them after but,” Gomez answered.

“No, honestly I feel like having her by my— I feel like I would have crumbled without her,” Blanco said.

“Honey, you did crumble,” Gomez replied.

“Look at me, I did another bite — a double bite!” Blanco said.

“Never mind, couples … don’t play this game,” Gomez said as the show closed out.

You can watch the full “Hot Ones” episode in the video above.

The post Selena Gomez Goes Nonverbal and Takes a Lap on 2nd ‘Hot Ones’ Appearance: ‘Why Do People Do This?’ | Video appeared first on TheWrap.

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