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Fox Host Emasculates Himself With 'Rules Of Masculinity'

Governor Tim Walz made a comment about how he thinks his masculinity intimidates MAGA men. This, in turn, triggered all the MAGA men - and some MAGA women - who proceeded to prove Walz correct by showing off their own insecurity by posturing. One of these wannabe macho men was Jesse (or is it Jessie) Watters, who petulantly provided his list of dos and don'ts for being masculine:

Well, his nicknames tampon no real man has a nickname like that. Well, that's what it is. I'm sorry, I didn't make it up. He wants them in boys' bathrooms.

Real men don't talk about how they can beat other guys up. They don't talk about how masculine they are. Maybe if you're a professional fighter you can do that, but I don't know people that do that and I know a lot of tough guys, like this guy.

Yeah, I have rules for men, they're just funny they're not that serious like you don't eat soup in public. You don't cross your legs. And you don't drink from a straw, and one of the reasons you don't drink from a straw is because the way your lips purse. It's very effeminate and you all his excuse was well, I was drinking a milkshake again. You shouldn't be drinking a milkshake. Milkshakes are for kids. The Democrats, what they've done is they feminized themselves in order to win elections and then they lost the election and then they lost their manhood. So, now all of these Democrat men are trying to talk about masculinity now. Real men don't talk about masculinity. Real men never say misogyny. It's just not something we say.

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