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'FBI: International' & 'FBI: Most Wanted' Series Finale Spoilers: Here's How the 2 TV Shows Will End

FBI: International and FBI: Most Wanted are officially coming to an end, and we have new insight into how those series finale episodes will go down.

CBS has provided the official synopses for both series finales, providing hints at the final plot lines for both FBI spinoffs, which unfortunately just got canceled.

The episodes will be airing on Tuesday, May 20.

Keep reading to find out more…

At 9 p.m. ET on May 20, FBI: International will air its Season 4 finale episode, which will also be its series finale.

“The Fly Team discovers they’re on the trail of a serial killer, taking the investigation — and Mitchell — to Japan to put an end to the international killing spree,” the official synopsis reads, via TVLine. (Part 1 airs Tuesday, May 13.)

Then at 10 p.m. ET, the FBI: Most Wanted Season 6 finale episode airs, which will be its series finale.

“The Fugitive Task Force hunts down a rogue government operative planning a domestic terror attack,” the synopsis reads.

Also on that day, FBI will air its Season 7 finale at 8 p.m. ET. That show was already renewed for at least two more seasons.

Here’s the official synopsis: “After Jubal narrowly escapes a calculated assault on a secret FBI office, the team discovers a rogue terrorist group has infiltrated the FBI. Unsure of who to trust, the team must work in the shadows to unmask the culprits threatening the sanctity of the New York field office.”

If you didn’t see, here’s the potential real reason why these shows are ending.


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