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Welsh-bred section B stallion triumphs at Horse of the Year Show in South Africa

Heniarth Top of the Morning makes a triumphant return to the ring.

A Welsh section B stallion born on Welsh soil, Heniarth Top of the Morning, made a spectacular return to the show ring at the South Africa Horse of the Year Show to stand overall Welsh and overall general champion in hand, repeating the success he enjoyed on his last show ring appearance in 2015.

By Lemonshill Top Note out of Eyarth Windflower, Top was exported to the Dolarch Stud in South Africa as a yearling, having won at the Welsh National Show at Malvern.

Now owned by Zadia Mostert Schutte of the Brynmore stud, the typey 12-year-old is produced by JJ Kemp and was shown initially by Scott Dixon, who flew in especially, and later by Thabo Mokoena.

“We are very privileged to have a pony of Top’s caliber at Brynmore stud,” said Zadia, who has recently welcomed Top’s very pleasing first foal.

“Top is a delightful specimen, not only in conformation, but also in temperament. We love having him around and cannot wait for his future show pony offspring in combination with the Arabians on the farm.”

Top was bred by Richard Miller and Meirion Davies and is from a family of very successful ponies; he is a full brother to past Royal Welsh champion Heniarth Wood-Wind and Australian champion Heniarth Whistle Down the Wind.

Not to be outdone, Top’s full sister Ting-a-Ling was leading Section B dam at the Royal Welsh last season, and another sister, Toodle-oo, was the dam of the 2023 champion, Heniarth Moonahmia.

“We’re delighted to see Top back out performing so far from Wales,” said Richard. “It was an honour to have him become one of the first section Bs to be exported to South Africa in recent times, but it was still a wrench to part with him as he had a tremendous character.

“However with the family’s ability to jump and perform, he’s already made a name for himself as a sire of special children’s ponies, so we can ask for no more!”

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