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School choice activists warn parents about blue state's homeschool bill with jail-time provision

From one blue-state parent to another, activists in California are warning Illinois families about a bill advancing through their state legislature that would create more regulations, and penalties, for homeschooling parents. It's the latest high-profile battle dealing with school choice, a campaign issue President Donald Trump ran on.

"Illinois, California, Colorado, they all compete with each other. They're coming after homeschooling, just like they've been coming after public schools," California parents rights activist Sonja Shaw said in a video posted to X on Wednesday. "They're attacking families, stripping parental rights, and pushing their radical agendas while our kids are failing at reading, writing and math."

At issue is HB2827, the Homeschool Act, which would charge parents with a misdemeanor if they fail to register their kids in a "homeschool declaration form" to the nearest public school they would otherwise be attending. Failure to do so would be considered truancy, and parents could face up to 30 days in jail with fines. 

The bill passed a major hurdle passing out of the Democrat-dominated House education committee in a party-line vote on Wednesday, despite having upward of 50,000 witness slips in opposition and only 1,000 in support, including the Illinois State Board of Education.


California parents opposed a similar bill that failed to make it out of committee in the state legislature in 2018, AB 2756, only after hearing three hours of testimony from parents and homeschoolers. Opponents say the Democrat-led bill would have mandated all homeschooling families in the state to adhere to involuntary home inspections, after the Turpin-family child abuse case.

"This is calculated. This is how they do it. They do it in increments, slowly taking control away while people sit back thinking that their kids are safe and it doesn't affect them," said Shaw, who is a school board member in Chino and running for state superintendent of public instruction. "Every parent needs to be in this fight. If we don't stand up now together, there will be nothing left to fight for our kids in their future. Please get involved. Please speak up. Please show up, because our children are worth this fight."


Will Estrada, senior counsel for the Homeschool Legal Defense Association, told Fox News on Wednesday that the bill's language was left "open-ended for unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats to be able to write different sections of regulations." 

"If this bill is passed into law, it’s going to be expanded in future years to put even more restrictions on homeschool and private school families," Estrada said after testifying at Wednesday's hearing. "The record of homeschoolers shows that we do well academically, socially, emotionally and so why are we messing with them? That’s the question. This bill is a solution in search of a problem." 


Democrats say the bill – which contains a portion that requires parents to hand over teaching materials if its suspected the child isn't being educated properly – will strengthen oversight of homeschooling. 

Democratic state Rep. Terra Costa Howard introduced the bill following an investigative story by Pro Publica, which has a left-leaning bias according to the nonpartisan news rating company AllSides, entitled, "How Illinois’ Hands-Off Approach to Homeschooling Leaves Children at Risk."  The report included cases of abuse that went unnoticed because children were not in school.

But opponents of the bill pushed back, saying in the hearing that there's no correlation between homeschooled students being more at risk of abuse than those in the public school system.

"I believe this bill will help protect abused and neglected children and leave in place the freedom of parents to decide how to best meet the educational needs of their children," Tanner Lovett, an opponent of the bill, said Wednesday.

The Illinois homeschool bill will now head to the state House of Representatives for a floor vote. If passed by the House and Senate, it would land on the desk of Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker, a Democrat considered a potential 2028 presidential hopeful. 

The bill passed out of the committee as President Trump is expected to sign an executive order Thursday dismantling the federal Department of Education. 


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