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Waiting for a promotion? Here’s how to earn it instead

Too often, we get stuck waiting—waiting for a boss, a higher-up, or even a partner to hand us the reins and tell us it’s our time to shine. But here’s the truth: empowerment isn’t something you’re given. It’s something you take. If things aren’t going your way, there’s no one else to blame—it’s up to you to make a move.

If you’re tired of waiting for someone else to recognize your potential or tell you what to do next, here are three actionable steps to take control and empower yourself today:

Stop Asking for Permission—Start Taking Initiative

Empowerment begins when you stop waiting for someone to tell you what to do and start taking proactive steps toward what you know needs to be done.

Identify a recurring problem at work and propose a solution to your team or supervisor. Even if it’s not implemented, the act of stepping forward demonstrates your leadership mindset and builds confidence.

Instead of waiting for your boss to address a gap in team communication, suggest implementing a weekly check-in meeting. Better yet, create a suggested communication matrix with specific questions to ask to ensure gaps are minimized. Taking initiative shows you care about the team’s success and your role in it. This puts you in the best position to shine and to keep top-of-mind when positions or projects pop up that require your skillset.

Remember that your boss most likely has a busy calendar with shifting priorities and mounting headaches, if you can make their job easier and alleviate some of their headaches, you will be the hero in their workplace story. Word will travel that you are resourceful.

Cultivate Self-Awareness and Lean into Your Strengths

Understanding your own strengths, weaknesses, and values is the foundation of self-leadership. You don’t need your boss to define your role—you need to define how you show up in it. This simple reframe will help you take back the influence that many of us give away.

Spend 10 minutes each week reflecting on recent wins and challenges. What strengths did you leverage? Where could you improve? Use this insight to guide your actions. Also, assess how you feel at the end of each day for one week and note which job functions you were performing when you felt like you were succeeding and when you felt most stressed. That will help you pinpoint the best positions and functions for you.

If you’re naturally skilled at relationship-building, consider how you can use that strength to foster collaboration or improve team dynamics, even without being prompted. It will be those relationships that will get you through tough times and could prove beneficial when up for that next promotion too.

Don’t forget that you are the captain of your own ship and the chief navigator of your workplace and life experiences. You do not need to be the victim or bystander.

Embrace Feedback as a Tool, not a Threat

Empowered leaders view feedback as an opportunity to grow, not as a personal attack. Seek out feedback proactively, even if it’s uncomfortable—it’s a critical step in refining your approach and building trust. Without this feedback, you will undoubtedly experience blindspots on your journey. Be open to feedback if you want to minimize painful mistakes.

At the end of a project or meeting, ask a colleague or manager, “What’s one thing I did well, and one thing I could improve?” Listen without defensiveness and take actionable steps to improve. Younger says, “We can choose to remove the clay that we place over our brilliance.” She points out that being proactive about requesting feedback allows our brilliance to shine through.

When receiving feedback that your presentations need more clarity, take a public speaking course or workshop to elevate your skills and demonstrate your commitment to growth. In this example, be sure to ask what specific areas of your presentation lack clarity. That way, you will not waste time on the wrong things.

Often, people shy away from feedback, because they are afraid of what they might find. Those who are eager to go into the unknown of feedback and take in the good with the bad quickly discover the benefits. We cannot be our best and become more self-empowered unless we know where to smooth our rough edges. The good news is that we all have them. So, there is nothing to be ashamed about. Instead, look at the courage you display when you eagerly seek the feedback as a badge of honor.

Claim Your Leadership Role

Empowerment isn’t a gift someone hands you—it’s a mindset you cultivate. By taking initiative, leveraging your strengths, and embracing feedback, you build the confidence and competence needed to lead yourself—and, in turn, inspire those around you.

Stop waiting for permission. Start leading yourself, and watch how others begin to follow.


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