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DOOM 3 - Console Commands (Cheats) and Secrets

HomeCheatsDOOM 3 – Console Commands (Cheats) and SecretsJuly 16, 2020Volodymyr AzimoffCheats1This guide about cheat, storage locker, door and other codes for Doom 3, Resurrection of Evil and The Lost Mission in order. Press Ctrl+F for an easier search. Table of Contents Hide Console Commands Spawn Weapons / Ammo Spawn Monsters / Items Test-Map Codes Level Codes Third-Person Mode Storage Secret Codes Doom 3 Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil Doom 3: The Lost Mission Console CommandsHow to open the console? Just press Ctrl+Alt+~(Tilde) to bring up the command console in a single player game or just Tilde(~) if the com_allowconsole 1 cheat is typed in already.god – God Mode.give ammo – Max Ammo.give health – Max Health.give armor – Gives you 125 armor.give keys – All keys.give all – All weapons with full ammo, health and armor.give pda – Gives PDAs/disks of the level you’re in.give berserk – Berserk mode.kill – Commit suicide.killmonsters – Kills all Monsters.com_allowconsole 1 – This will make...

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