City of Edmond releases wildfire response update
EDMOND, Okla. (KFOR) - The City of Edmond says, dry conditions, low humidity, and gusting winds of 60-70 mph created prime conditions for extreme fire danger, noting some vehicles were lost within Edmond city limits, with no structures lost during the wildfire outbreak.
Edmond officials say on Friday, crews responded to 19 fires. Since 12:30 p.m. March 14, the department has responded to a total of 32 fires. In addition, Edmond Fire assisted with wildland fires in the Luther and Deer Creek areas, where multiple structures were saved.
According to the city, the Emergency Operations Center reopened on March 17 at 9:00 a.m. under unified command and continues to actively monitor fire conditions in the City of Edmond and surrounding areas.
Edmond City officials list a few things you can do right now, along with some tips to keep in mind when extreme conditions occur:
- Stay weather aware and use a weather radio if you have one.
- Take time to get a family emergency plan together. Charge cell phones, pack bags, consider medications, gather animal crates for your furry friends, and make sure your vehicle has fuel in case evacuation becomes necessary.
- Have multiple exit routes out of any structure and neighborhoods.
- If separated from family, predetermine a meeting location.
- Move debris away from homes or structures.
- Keep roads open for emergency vehicles.
- Always dispose of smoking materials in appropriate containers/ashtrays.
- Avoid activities that could create a spark (welding, metal work, campfires).
- Secure chains on trailers; dragging chains cause sparks.
- Don’t drive or park vehicles on dry grass; hot vehicles ignite grassfire.
- Don’t drive into smoke.
- Tune into local television and radio to keep advised.
- Be prepared for power outages from wind and or fire.
- See something, say something. Call 911 immediately to report smoke or fire.