A Curated Walk with Peer Researchers and their Communities: Engaging a Research Journey Toward Meaningful Impact
Name of research institution
University of the Western Cape
Name of Department / Faculty
Department of Geography, Environmental Studies & Tourism
Author of the research paper
1st author, Bradley Rink, Associate Professor
Authors: Gina Porter, Bulelani Maskiti, Sam Clark, Caroline Barber with peer researchers Jeffery Ashitey, Archie Evans, Siyamkela Jucwa, Baphelele Malangabi, Sisonke Mpiliso, Siyabonga Ntozini, Ansari Pulickal Abdul Azeez, Thobinceba Siyatha, Bonginkosi Sosanti, Raqib Uddin and Dillon Watson
+27 82 713 8223
Email Address of 1st author:
Submitting Authority
University of the Western Cape , Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Geography, Environmental Studies & Tourism
Name of Submitter
Dr Mandy Carolissen
Capacity of Submitter
Department Chairperson, Department of Geography, Environmental Studies & Tourism
Email address of submitter
Short description of the research
This paper presents findings from a community-based peer research project on young men’s experiences of walking in low-income neighbourhoods of Cape Town and London. It is part of a special issue about ‘writing research differently’ offering results in the form of a curated walk where we seek to highlight how peer researchers in these communities—who are experts in their own lives—negotiate walking. We trouble the conventional thinking about young men as invulnerable and demonstrate how the embodied and mundane practice of walking is critical for access to economic and social opportunities. Our collective of academics, mobilities advocates and community-based peer researchers demonstrate how writing with peer researchers can build important reflective bridges across geographies and precarious lived realities. By combining ethnographic accounts of the actualities of walking with the possibilities of informing future mobility policies through a collaborative writing process, we offer new pathways for propositional community-based research and meaningful impacts.
To read the full paper click here: https://mg.co.za/wp-content/uploads/forminator/661847_5ac13dc6138b980575bd24f33eff4ea7/uploads/LwoG6iesWjaG-IJCRE_9217_Rink.pdf