Ethics Commission settlement reached with State Supt. Ryan Walters
OKLAHOMA CITY (KFOR) - The Oklahoma Ethics Commission on Monday finalized its settlement agreement with Oklahoma State Superintendent Ryan Walters after investigating a complaint regarding social media posts supporting President Trump's candidacy.
The settlement revealed no further ethic violations were found, with Walters required to comply with the following:
- Remove the title of "Oklahoma State Superintendent of Public Instruction from his personal X account
- Remove "Supt" from the personal account handle listed as @RyanWalterSupt. and instead use his personal name in the title of the account without reference to his elected position
- Remove the official State Superintendent profile picture associated with his account @RyanWaltersSupt and instead use a non-state picture
- Participate in training from the Ethics Commission on ethics rules
- $5,000 fine, which includes Commission's attorney fees
According to the Ethics Commission records, Oklahoma State Ethics Rules prohibit the use of a social media account maintained in the name of a state officer as a state officer to advocate the election or defeat of a clearly identified candidate for elective office.
Walters has been given 10 days to meet the Ethics Commission requirements associated with the settlement agreement.
*No word from Supt. Walters at the time of this posting