Chasing cars is a part of some dogs’ natural instincts. For others, it’s a habit formed over years. As much fun as dogs have with chasing, it can be stressful for dog owners.Car chasing presents a dangerous situation for pets and people alike. Cars may swerve to avoid a crash, or dogs may be hit while in traffic. Learning how to stop this behavior can be tough, but with training, you can help your dog learn to stop chasing cars. If it’s an ongoing problem with your pet, professional dog trainers and behaviorists can help.Tips for Changing Your Dog’s BehaviorThe most effective way to stop a dog from ever chasing cars is prevention. It’s easiest to identify and change the behavior in puppies before it becomes a habit. However, if your dog is already chasing cars, you can use a few tricks to correct their behavior.Keep them safe & secure. Fencing in your yard, putting locks on outdoor gates or keeping your dog crated inside are all good options. Do some training. You can bring your dog to...