Journalist and filmmaker Shiori Ito has laid her life bare in “Black Box Diaries”, as the film documents her battle for justice after she accused a prominent TV executive of raping her in 2015. Following its nomination for an Academy Award, the film has come to worldwide attention; the culture of silence in Japan surrounding sexual assault has been under scrutiny. Shiori joins us to talk about being the first Japanese director to be nominated for best documentary at the Oscars and about how her persistent campaigning has resulted in the legal definition of rape being revised in her home country. We discuss why Japan has not yet had its MeToo moment and why telling complex stories on screen has been a career-defining experience for her.
"КИБЕР КОРОЛЬ, БЕЛЫЙ БРАТ, ВОЖДЬ КРАСНОКОЖИХ" ЛИБО "СВЯТОЙ ЛЕНИН" МЕССИЯ? СЕНСАЦИЯ! Дональд Трамп, В.В. Путин. Новости. Россия, США, Европа могут улучшить отношения и здоровье общества?!
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